White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 19


The diner was packed today. It’s like everyone in this town wanted to eat out today. There are even a bunch of college kids too, which is surprising. More likely they all wanted to see the new girl. Most were people in town who hadn’t met me or my family. I was the only one waitressing today though. I got Ethan a table in the back and when I had breaks we would sit and talk, but he is getting bored and is ready to head out. I feel bad because I wasn’t much entertainment for him. At least he is my friend.

I am serving up a platter for a family of four when a young college aged guy comes in. He smiles at me and takes a seat at an empty booth. I finish with the family and head over to him with my pad in hand. “Welcome to Oasis Diner, what can I get started for you?”

He smiles up at me. “How about a cola to start?”

I jot it down. “Do you want water also?” I always have to ask. Even though most people look at me the way this guy does. Which is like I just said the stupidest thing ever. Why would I want two drinks? “I have to ask.” I mumble the last part.

He nods in understanding. “No, thanks, just the cola.”

“Got it. Go ahead and look over the menu and I’ll be right back.” I leave and get his drink. It doesn’t take long. When I turn back to the table I see him watching me. Not really sure why. That is until a horror show comes in.

“Justin, what the heck?” He groans looking at her. Kelly sits across from him. “You just ditched me.”

“I wasn’t going to sit around and wait for you to finish hanging out with your friends. You should have gotten your license already and then people wouldn’t have to drive you around.” He leans back in the seat.

He must have been trying to see what her enemy looked like. I place the drink in front of him. I nod to Kelly. “Would you like anything to drink?” I even smile.

She scoffs at me. “Yeah, right. Not from you.”noveldrama

“Kelly, don’t be such a bitch. She is doing her job.”

She practically screams at him. “I don’t like her and I will talk to her anyway that I want to.”

I put my hand up. “It is quite alright. I can find you another server if you would like.” I have to be polite or I will hear about it later.

Justin is the one to speak next. “I am quite fine with my server. Maybe my sister should just leave.” He glares at Kelly.

She waves it off. “Find me another server.”

I nod. “I’ll do that.”

Justin stops me by grabbing my apron as I turn. “I am ready to order.”

“I will get your server in just one second.” I give him a nice smile.

“No, I said I wanted you to serve me. She can have her own. And her own check too. Consider us separate tables.”

I turn back around and pull out the notepad. “Alright, what would you like to order?”

“A turkey sandwich. Side of fries. Make sure the sandwich has extra pickles. That is all for now.” He seems to emphasize the for now part.

I jot that down. “Alright coming right up.” I head back to the kitchen and place the order. I lean over to catch my mom’s attention. “There is a customer out here that doesn’t want me to serve them. I need someone to help her out.”

My mom sighs. “What did you do?”

I shrug. “She just doesn’t like me.”

She washes her hands real quick. “Alright give me your pad.”

I hand it over and she takes the order for the drink and the entree at the same time. Then she places the order on the counter. “She is a pain in the ass isn’t she?”

“See, it wasn’t me.” I take my pad back from her and take another order before Justin’s order is ready. I head over with his meal and he watches me the whole time. I place his plate in front of him. “Anything else you would like.”

He is about to answer when I feel arms wrap around me. I push him back. I know who it is without even looking. “I am working that is not appropriate.” I hiss as I turn and look at him.

He rolls his eyes. “You are serving Justin and Kelly. Not exactly a high clientele.”

“They are all important.” I put my hands on my hips to make my point. “Now if you are going to order then take a seat. If not, you have to go.”

He rolls his eyes and takes a seat a couple of booths over. Kelly immediately stands up and goes to his table sitting across from him. I turn back to Justin. He is trying to hide a smirk behind his glass of soda. “I apologize. Is there anything else I can get you?”

He smacks his lips as he sets his glass down. “How about ketchup? Plus maybe I would like that water.”

I nod and smile getting what he requested. When I set the items on the table he smiles again. “Can I get another pickle?”

I have no idea why he needs so many pickles, but I nod and get him another pickle from the kitchen. I set down the extra plate. He waves his fork at me. “Can I get another fork? I dropped mine.” Does this guy not realize that I have other tables to serve?

“Just one minute.” I smile, but at this point it is getting strained. At least it doesn’t look like anyone else needs anything else at the moment. My mom brought Kelly her meal so I am sure she is taking care of Trey too. Until she meets me at the counter.

“He requested you.” She points to Trey.

I sigh. “Alright.”

I take Justin his clean fork. “Here you are? Anything else?”

He just smiles. “Not at the moment, but I am sure I can think of something.”

I am pretty sure I am blushing. “Just give me a holler when you figure it out.”

I pull out my pad and head to Trey. “What can I get for you?”

He smiles at me. “Alright beautiful I would like the half pound burger and fries. No pickles. No onions. A chocolate milkshake with two straws please.” I write all that down and highlight the two straws so I don’t forget.

Kelly gushes. “Oh, that is so cute, baby.”

“I’ll get those right out for you guys.”

I turn and I hear Trey jump up from the table. “Wait babe, not like that. I meant that for you and me.”

I turned back confused. “What?”

“For your break. I keep asking Kelly to move. But instead I think she thinks it means move in.” He rubs my arms. “Seriously, I came here to see you.”

“Sorry, I have to work. I am out of breaks. I had to use my breaks earlier. I am almost done with my shift.”

“Oh,” He looks disappointed. “Well, you can have it with me when you get off.”

“That is like an hour from now.”

“So, I can wait.”

Why does he have to be so cute when he says that? I am trying to be standoffish here. “That is really sweet but it seems like a lot.”

“Anything for you.” He leans in and I know he is going to kiss me so I turn my head. “Right, you’re working. Get the shake when you get close to getting off.”

I sigh. “Alright.”

I pull away from him so that I can get his order together. When I turn around after placing the order I see Justin waving me down. I hurry over to his table. “Did you figure out what you needed?”

“Yeah, I need you to take a seat for a second.”

“I’m sorry sir, I am on duty and I can’t do that.”

“It’s just for a second.”

I edge over to the seat. I shouldn’t be doing this. I sit on the edge of the bench. “Now, what can I do for you?”

“So, my sister hates you. That much is clear. What is going on with you and her ex-boyfriend?”

I am confused. “I’m sorry what does this have to do with your order?”

“Everything. Answer the question.” He leans forward like this is the most interesting information on the planet.

“We are friends. He wants to be more, but I do not at the moment.” I fidget with my fingers.

He taps at the table. “Well, that is very interesting. Can I get some apple pie alamode?”

I stand quickly and jot that down for him. “Coming right up.”

I can’t get away from that table fast enough. Why is he asking me these questions? None of it makes sense. Plus he is Kelly’s brother, I am sure that there is something to that. Some family loyalty.

I serve a few more tables before Trey’s food is done. I set his food down and go to handle the other tables. He grabs my hand. “Hey, what was going on with Justin?”

“Nothing. He just had a question.”

Kelly rolls her eyes. “Who cares? Let him have her. They are made for each other, both a couple of blemishes.”

Trey glares at her. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

She smiles sweetly at him. “Nope. I am all yours. Unlike other people I am not too busy for you.”

“Please leave.” He groans.

“Enjoy your food.” I slip my hand out of his grasp.

I do know one thing: I need a break. I make for the kitchen and head to the walk-in fridge. It will be freezing but quiet. I don’t plan on being in there long. I step in and close the door. Oh, hell it is cold. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. This is getting out of hand. We need to work out something between Kelly and I. That is the only way that we are going to get this to work.

After I have myself composed enough I leave the fridge. I see that the pie is ready for Justin. I grab it and take it to his table. “Will that be all for you?”

He taps his glass. “More please.”

He does have a nice smile. “Coming right up.” I take his glass for the refill and he has a napkin wrapped around it. I take the napkin off so that I can wipe the glass down. When I do, I see a note written on it.

Hey beautiful,

Call or text me sometime.


I shove it in my pocket only so that no one else will see it and then head back to the table with the fresh glass. He nods to me and takes the glass from me, lightly brushing my fingers as he does. “I’ll get your check ready.” I pull my hand away.

I am ready to go home now. This is not my day.

I continued about my job. Only Justin and Trey don’t leave. At some point Kelly finally did. But that really isn’t helping me right now. They have started to glare at each other. This just makes me uncomfortable. Then I remember my way out of all of this. I have a date. Ok, not a date, but a meeting. I wish it was a date.

I start wrapping up my shift for the night. Trey notices and motions for me to come to his table. “Are you going to get that shake with me?”

I act like the totally innocent person that I am. “Sorry, my mom just reminded me of this thing I have to do after work. I can’t stick around. Do you still want the shake?”

He sags in disappointment. “No, that’s alright. Maybe some other time. Do you really have to do this thing?”

“Yeah, it’s a family meeting thing and I am the one that has to be there.”

“Alright. I’ll head out then.” I hand him his check, he lays some money on the table and tries to lean in for a kiss but I turn my head again. I made a deal after all, I can’t go back on my word. He leaves looking defeated. I feel bad but at the same time I don’t. One down, one to go. I don’t have any idea what he is hanging around for.

I head over to his table. “Was everything to your satisfaction?”

He loses his smile a little. “Not entirely. I think the staff could be a little friendlier.”

I blink a few times. “I’m sorry, what?”

“It seemed like you were avoiding me. I hope that is not part of your service.”

“Well, no. I was not avoiding you. I thought I was pretty accommodating.” I am getting frustrated with this guy. He kept asking me for things every five minutes and I got it all without fail.

“Then have a seat with me and talk for a minute.”

“That is quite inappropriate for me to do. You are a customer and I am working.”

He nods. “But you are getting off soon. So there is nothing stopping you.”

“I have a meeting. I can not stay and talk right now.”

“Did you get my note?”

“Yes…” I was going to continue but he cut me off.

“And you did not thank me.”

I blink a few times. “Seriously? I thought the whole point of sneaking the note was because you didn’t want me to say anything. And while I am flattered I don’t think I should call or text you.”


“Well, for starters your sister hates my guts.”

“Half sister.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever. For another, I don’t know you. It would be weird.”

“Well, you aren’t talking to me now so how else are we supposed to get to know each other?”

“I don’t think you are.” I start collecting his dirty dishes. “Thank you for the compliment, but I’m sorry I’m not going to call you.” I gather up the rest of the dishes and he grabs my apron again.

“We’ll see about that. I am sure at some point you will call me.” He winks.

I roll my eyes and leave the table. Cocky much. I finish clearing and cleaning the rest of the tables that are done. Justin is still sitting there. He doesn’t even have his glass anymore. I am not sure what he is doing. But as of right now he is no longer my problem. My replacement comes in with a big smile on her face and her red hair is a wild flyaway updo. “Thanks, Cass. I’ll take over from here. Anything I should know?”

I point to Justin. “He has already ordered and ate. I gave him his check too. Not sure why he’s still here. The table still needs to be wiped down. Other than that, you are golden. Have a good night, Jennifer.”

She waves at me. I go back to the kitchen to change and collect my things before heading out. I change in the locker room and grab my purse. I throw my uniform in the bin to be washed and rush out the door. I don’t want Gray to wait for me.

Just as I am heading past the register Jennifer stops me. “That guy at the table left something for you.”

I groan. “What now?”

She laughs and hands me a note and a twenty. “Your tip.”

“Oh,” I’m surprised after he said that he didn’t like my service. Maybe he was just teasing me. I take the money and the note. It’s folded so I can’t read it yet. I just stuff it in my pocket and leave giving Jennifer one last goodbye. I run to my car and drive home as quickly as I can. I park and leave my purse there running for the woods. I told him I would be late, but still I don’t want him waiting too long.

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