Unspoken Pleasure

We Cant Help It: Ep4

We made our introductions and explained that we had recently moved here from Cleveland (not really).

"You guys are such a perfect young couple. So attractive. Amanda, I hope you weren't put off too much by some of the guys. I saw how they were ogling you."

"No, not at all. This bikini is a bit skimpy."

"It looks perfect on you," Jim joined the conversation, staring at her crotch. "Have you guys been married long?"

"Oh, we have known each other for years and became a couple a year ago."

"We've been married for just one year, right after graduating from U of M. So I guess we are a bit older than you."

"John and I are almost 20 and going to start college next month."

"And Mike and I have been married for four years," the other couple joined the conversation. "His second, my first. We moved here from Tucson. Jim and Sally were the first people we met. We live next door to each other."

It was a nice party but we felt a little out of place, being by far the youngest there. The condos were upper scale and kids our age normally wouldn't have enough bucks.

Sally from the party called a few days later.

"Jim and I are going to have a little get-together this Saturday and wondered if you and your husband might be able to come."

"I don't think we are doing anything. Who will be there?"

"Mike and Diane, whom you met. And one or two other couples."

"I'll check with John but I'm sure we can make it. What can we bring?"

"Oh, a snack of some sort if you want, but you don't have to."

It was a nice party. The two couples we previously met were joined by two other couples. We were the still the youngest, the rest looked mid-twenties.

"Nice people," I remarked.

"Yeah, I liked them too. You know, I'm glad we moved here. People are friendly and outgoing. And maybe you didn't notice, but everyone at the party was very attractive. The guys were handsome and the women were sexy.'

"Yeah, I sure noticed the women. Classy."

"It seemed to me, Johnny, that they were all kind of touchy-feely. Like they were all very good friends. I wonder..."


"Maybe I'm reading too much into some of the comments. But the women sure seemed to make eyes at you. The guys looked me over too, but I'm used how guys are."


"And maybe this group does things together. You know, mess around. Then along we come, good looking twenty-year olds. You're very handsome."

"And you're the nubile girl in the tiny bikini. You might have a point. Well, no matter, I'm totally enamored with you and your pussy."

"Well, thank goodness for that," Amanda laughed. "I guess then I'll have to turn down any offers from the guys."


"Johnny, do you remember Sam from high school? She was my best friend from grade school."

"Yeah, little blond girl who grew up to be that ravishing beauty?"

"Yep, that's her. Anyway she's on her way to Seattle and would like to stop and see me. Maybe stay a few days before heading on. I didn't think you would mind so I invited her to stay here."

"Uh, that might be a little awkward."

"You mean, our sleeping arrangements? Yeah, I thought of that. We can set up the second bedroom as if that's my room and she can stay in the third bedroom. Are you ok with that?"

"Sure, I remember her from high school. What's her story?"

"Well, I haven't talked with her since we graduated. As far as I know she's still single. Oh, there is one detail you should know. Some time ago we were talking about our dating experiences? And I mentioned that in middle school I had sex with a girl? Well, she was that girl."noveldrama

"Really? That was a long time ago. Do you think she's still into girls?"

"Well, we did do those things but that was years ago. But in high school I do know she went out with some guys."

"Interesting. When will she be here?"

"In a couple of weeks. We have time to get that third bedroom ready for her."

Lots of hugging when she arrived. "God, you look great, Sam! You remember my brother, John?"

"Of course. Handsome as ever." She gave me a kiss on the lips.

Sam, short for Samantha, was a real looker, almost as tall as me, blond, Nordic looks. I brought in her two suitcases.

"Nice place, Amanda. You guys must be doing really well."

"Yes, it's nice. An uncle of ours died a year ago and left us some money. We used it to make a down payment. Here, let me show you around. We have three bedrooms, I'm afraid you get the smallest one. This one is mine, and here's John's."

"Nice setup."

"You might be tired from your long drive. Feel free to take a nap and then we can go someplace for dinner."

Amanda and I decided we needed to avoid our friends who might make reference to us as a married couple. So we picked an upscale restaurant about twenty miles away.

"Oh, this is a nice place."

"Don't worry about the cost. You are our guest."

"You're probably wondering why I'm headed to Seattle. I needed a change of scenery. Ah, Amanda, did you tell John that we have been best friends for years?"

"You mean, did I tell him we fooled around together? Yeah, I told him."

"Well, John, just to confirm some of the rumors from back then, I liked girls and still do. But I also have several guy friends. I had a roommate for the last two years. She and I were a number. And just like me, she liked cock from time to time. Oops, sorry, John for the language.

"Most of the time it was just her and me. But on occasion a couple of guys we knew would join in. They would fuck us both, switching back and forth. It was fun. Well, my roommate got engaged to one of guys, the one with a big cock. Surprised the hell out of me. The apartment lease was in her name, so I had to move.

"I thought maybe it was time for new scenery and picked Seattle on a whim. Don't know anyone and don't have a job. But what the hell, I'll come up with something. You know me."

"So what about you guys?"

"Well, with the money we inherited we wanted to get out of that dinky apartment and buy something," I responded.

Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that if you're not reading this book on nel5s.com, you might be missing out on the complete story. Head over there to dive into the next chapter-it's all free!

"You guys were living together?"

"I broke up with my boyfriend and needed a temporary place to stay," Amanda jumped into the conversation. "And John had just been dumped by his girlfriend. I slept on the sofa. I couldn't afford an apartment by myself so I checked with everyone I knew. No one needed a roommate. So that temporary arrangement with John lasted for several months until we inherited that money.

"Let me tell you, that sofa was bad news. But the worst was having to share one tiny bathroom."

Her friend laughed, "I'm sure it was."

"Anyway," Amanda continued, "our jobs were nothing much so we quit. John sold his old car, we gave away are junk furniture and moved here. Our place is big enough to give each of us privacy if he or I have someone over."

Amanda added that last bit to help with the story.

"And what kind of jobs do you have?"

"We don't at the moment. We have enough income to get by for a while. But we need

to get going and plan to enroll in college. You know, with just a high school education it's hard to get an interesting job."

"Tell me about it. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to go someplace else."

Back at our place, Amanda helped get Sam situated in her room. We reluctantly decided to sleep in separate bedrooms for the night.

I woke up first and got the coffee going. Sam joined me in the kitchen.

"You know, John, you are even better looking now than when I last saw you. I assume

you have a girlfriend, or maybe more than one?"

"Nothing serious. My girlfriend back in home dumped me and I'm not ready to settle down again."

"She was a fool, John. Why did she do that? Oh, my big mouth, that's not my business."

"She said I was dull and boring, that we never did anything, never went anywhere." "Sounds like she was looking for an excuse to move on."

"Yeah, but then she said I was a dud in bed, the worst she had ever had. Let me tell you, that hurt."

"I imagine so. I wouldn't take what she said literally. There had to be more going on that you don't know about."

"Well, I didn't have as much experience as she did, but later I decided she was a lousy fuck, excuse my French."

"Still bothers you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. Anyway I've moved on and have been told I really know how to satisfy a


"Good for you."

Amanda joined us for coffee. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, just catching up on things," Sam responded.

"What about you, Amanda? Boyfriend?"

"Nope, not yet. I've become a homebody."

Amanda and I were up first the next morning, having coffee.

Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that if you're not reading this book on nel5s.com,

you might be missing out on the complete story. Head over there to dive into the next chapter-it's all free!

"I think your friend suspects something," I confided in my sister.

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"Just a feeling. I heard her use her bathroom in the night, about the time we were

fucking that second time. You know our bed makes some creaking sounds. It wouldn't

take a rocket scientist to guess what was going on."

"Oh, god. You think she might have heard us?"


"Hi, guys, nice morning isn't it?" Sam bounced into the kitchen.

"My, but you're all bright and cheery."

"Yep, slept like a log. That's a good bed, better than my old one."

"We bought it so you would have somewhere to sleep. You're our first house guest."

"Well, I sure appreciate you putting me up for a few days. I hope I'm not too much of

an intrusion," she said as she looked meaningfully at Amanda.

"Not at all."

Later that day Sam approached Amanda.

"You know, we had some fun together back then. Quite an adventure."

"Yes it was."

"Have you had an inclination to do something like that again? With me?"

"No, I think of that as just experimentation by two young girls, and I don't know what

John would think."

"This is really none of my business, Amanda, but last night when I went to the bathroom, I heard some noise from John's bedroom. You know what I mean?" Amanda didn't respond for a full minute.

"You are going to think I'm a terrible person. I don't know how to say this. Well, to hell

with it. Shortly after I moved in to John's apartment, we started having sex. It's called incest, to be blunt."

"Oh. You and John?"

"Yeah. It just happened. We both had been dumped. We have always been really close and this made us closer. We love each other and would get married if we could. We figured sooner or later people would wonder about us so we decided to move." "So you moved here. I assume you have made some friends here? Won't they wonder too?"

"They don't know we are siblings and think we are married. After all we have the same last name."

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I think it's wonderful that the two of you are

so happy. Too hell with convention, that's never been my strong suit anyway. I suppose there's been some extra tension since I arrived?"

"Yeah, you could say that. First we had to buy a bed for your bedroom. Then I had to move my clothes and stuff out of our bedroom and into the second bedroom. We had to make it look like we slept in separate bedrooms.

"We knew we should refrain from doing anything together while you were here. But by

the second day our resolve crumbled. We like to do it every day and more on weekends. We enjoy each other's bodies so much and John has become a wonderful

lover and I sure try to do my part."

"You two are so lucky."

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