Chapter 136
Chapter 136
#136 The End
It was a dark and quiet night in the Palace.
The moon was floating in the sky, bright and white, shining gently. Her beautiful light was reflected on
the surface of a wide, quiet lake. A magnificent black dragon had her light reflected on its scales too.
He seemed to be sleeping, its head peacefully rested on its front paws. That Dragon had been there
and immobile for a very long time. That night was only one of many, many others he had seen in that
garden. On the surface of the lake, dozens of flowers were gently floating, just as pure and white as
Water Lilies.
A little ripple appeared in the middle of the lake, making the flowers drift away slowly.
It could have been a little breeze of the wind, sending a gentle blow of fresh air on the surface of the
lake. It could have been a fish, tempted by an invisible fly, or one of the delicate little fireflies that were
living there. Yet, the black dragon raised its head. The ruby eyes, glowing in the darkness of night,
were looking for something on the surface. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, he slowly
stood up, came closer and sniffed the water a bit, unsure. Its tail started wagging the air gently.
Then, more ripples appeared. The water moved a bit more and then, at the center of those ripples,
some brown curls appeared at the surface. Slowly, the woman emerged from the water, gasping for air,
her pink lips shivering a bit. The black dragon jumped into the water, splashing its surroundings to run
to her. She welcomed him as soon as he arrived, opening her arms. ?
“There, there… You missed me, didn’t you?”
The black dragon growled softly, rubbing its head against her beautiful white skin. She smiled, feeling
her heart warming up again as she felt its warm scales. She found the dragon’s favorite spot
underneath its jaw and scratched it. The Dragon growled softly as a cat would purr.
“I missed you too… I missed you all.”
The black dragon kept growling happily and stayed right by her side as she slowly stepped out of the
lake. If it had any colors before, her dress had lost them all to turn a beautiful white, with all the pink
little beads shining like little diamonds under the moonlight. With her pale skin and thin body, she
almost looked like a ghost, a beautiful one coming out of the water. Leaning on the black dragon a bit,
she stepped onto the grass, her feet bare. She looked around.
“…Everything is so quiet. I wonder how long has it been…”
Even though it couldn’t answer, she smiled at the dragon as if it had. He was rubbing his head
continuously against her, completely enamored, move living that it had been in months. She chuckled.
“Alright, alright… Shall we go now?”
The Dragon growled softly, and she climbed on its back easily. Krai barely waited until she was
properly seated to take off. She felt the familiar thrill in her stomach as they got higher in the skies. It
was a clear night, so clear she could observe all the streets underneath. It ought to be late for
everything to be so quiet in the Capital.
The time to observe was limited, though. The Dragon was in a hurry and flew high and fast in the sky.
The beautiful woman on his back took a deep breath. She couldn’t feel the cold anymore, but she could
feel the fresh air filling her lungs, making her chill. It was so nice to be able to breathe again… She
closed her eyes, letting her senses feel the ride for her. It felt amazing, to be able to come back like
this. She could feel the wind riding on her skin, blowing her curls gently.
She didn’t even feel how long that trip really was. When Krai started flying downwards, she just smiled
happily. She could recognize the lonely Shadelands just so easily. A few things had changed. A few
more trees sprouting, and the snow. It was fresh, the clouds gently snowing on the lands. Was it winter
here already? She could only
imagine so. It felt strange to witness this all from above.
Once again, everything was quiet here under the darkness of night. Even when the black dragon gently
landed in the snow, nothing else moved. Yet, her heartbeat was going crazy with anticipation. She
wanted to run upstairs, to rush to them. Yet, she was feeling a bit shy as she got down from the dragon.
Cassandra gently caressed Krai’s scales, thanking him silently. He had always been the first to come to
her… Krai was reluctant to part with her, but it growled softly when she walked inside.
It felt like she hadn’t been here in ages, yet everything was just as she remembered. Slowly getting up
the stairs, Cassandra was sliding her fingertips against the cold black stone of the Onyx Castle. She
liked this place, so lonely and in a quiet place in this world. One step after another, she felt her
heartbeat go insane with anticipation.
Suddenly, as she reached another floor, something silver jumped in her arms.
The little dragon was growling softly, and completely snuggling against her, rolling its long body around
her neck and shoulders, rubbing its head against her skin. Cassandra smiled, caressing him as she
kept walking. He had grown so big already! The young dragon probably had no idea but its size was
twice what she remembered, and he was heavy on her shoulders. Cassandra caressed him but she
just had to keep going. She could hear the giggles, and sure enough, she found him in that little room.
Her face illuminated as she found the little boy, standing in his bed, it’s little hands holding on the rail,
and smiling wild at her already. Kassian was giggling and jumping, a bit excited. Cassandra felt her
heart go crazy upon seeing her son’s face again. He had grown so much already! She felt a couple of
tears run down her cheeks as she ran to him.
“Oh, my baby… Kassian…
The baby was excited to see her and kept hopping until she finally got a hold of him. Kian jumped
down, leaving
ace to take her son into her arms. Cassandra couldn’t believe it. He was already able to stand up, and
smile and grab her hair in his tiny hand. He was so small the last time she had seen her son… Kassian
hadn’t forgotten her, though, or maybe his dragon’s instincts were kicking in. He snuggled into his
mother’s arms, happy and holding on to her. Cassandra was happy to see him looking so well. He was
starting to take some of his father’s traits, and some of hers too. He had dark brown hair, and his green
eyes were the same as hers… She liked his smell too. Her baby’s smell… She hugged him for a very
long time, kissing his little face until he laughed from being tickled this way.
“Da… dadaaa…”
“It’s Mama, love. Your mom is back.”
“Mama…” Repeated Kassian, looking at her curls in his hands with a cute frown that mimicked his
“Your dad took good care of you, didn’t he?” She smiled.
“Dada!” Exclaimed Kassian.
“That’s right, Kassian, your dad…”
Cassandra smiled, but she could see her son was tired. It was the middle of the night, and he was too
young to be up this late. Kian had probably woken him up as he felt her arrival, but now, the little silver
dragon was curled up on one end of the toddler’s bed, and Kassian was struggling to keep his eyes
open, too. She kissed his forehead and put him down as he starting falling asleep. Her heart couldn’t
bear to part with him so soon, so she stayed a little while longer, to watch him sleep. He did look like a
happy boy… She felt relieved a little. He wasn’t too old yet, and had grown beautifully meanwhile.
Cassandra took a glance around. His bedroom wasn’t too big, but it was filled with toys, all sorts of
toys. He even had a little castle, and a big dragon plushie. Cassandra smiled, recognizing the little one
in his bed. That forgotten treasure she had clumsily stitched back to shape a long time ago… So this
old thing had really come to him…
After a while, she just couldn’t bear it anymore. She turned to leave the room, letting Kassian sleep and
following her heart elsewhere. The few steps to the next bedroom were enough to make her heart race
again. She stayed a second on the doorstep. That door had been removed, surely so he could be
closer to Kassian… Cassandra’s heart started burning.
He was alone in this large bed. Half-naked, the retired War God was sleeping there, his face towards
the window. Seeing Kairen again left her breathless. He was frowning slightly even in his sleep as if he
was having some unhappy dream. She wanted to run to him and yet, some strange shyness was
keeping her from it. Cassandra had her heart on the edge of her lips, almost pouring out. It was too
much. To see him again, after all this time…
She stepped forward, so nervous she felt dizzy. She wanted to run to him, but her legs felt weak.
Cassandra walked slowly instead, surprised he wasn’t waking up….Or was it because it was her?
Cassandra froze. His eyes were still closed, but he had very clearly spoken right now, making her heart
miss a beat. She opened her lips, unsure.
“…Don’t torment me again. Not tonight.”
Cassandra’s expression relaxed a little. She stepped forward, a little smile on her lips.
“I said, please…”
Her smile grew a bit wider as she reached the bed, her chest so full it might explode. She extended her
fingertips, gently touching his hand. She saw him flinch, and he finally opened his eyes. That darkness
made her shiver. He glanced at her and frowned a bit more.
“…You look different tonight,” he whispered.
“…Do I?” She gently answered.
He frowned again and kept his eyes on her as she came closer. It was like he was observing some
dangerous wild beast, almost… scared. Cassandra made her fingertips slide up his arm, until she
reached his biceps, and went to his exposed torso. His warm skin… She had missed it, and wanted to
touch it more. She climbed on the bed, coming over him, and saw his confused expression. She could
see it in his eyes. He was scrutinizing her, a little wrinkle between his eyebrows.
She couldn’t even express how much she loved this man, how much she had missed him, how much
she wanted him. As Kairen remained still with that confused expression, she slowly put her leg over,
sitting on his waist, and put both her hands on his chest. She could tell he was afraid to believe that
vision. His black eyes were fixated on her, looking at that young woman as if she was some illusion.
Cassandra gently leaned over to kiss him.
It was a very soft kiss on his lips, but it sent shivers down the depths of his being. He gasped and
suddenly sat up, grabbing her face between his hands. His eyes were wide open, completely shocked,
his breathing intense. It took a full minute for him to realize, to accept it. It really was her. For real, this
time. None of all his nightmares and dreams had been able to replicate her face so perfectly, so
beautifully, even down to its imperfections. The color of her green eyes, the curves of her lips, the
delicacy of her nose.
Just then, she broke down a little, crying. Cassandra couldn’t hold it anymore. She put her hands on his
neck too, her tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.
“I missed you…” She cried. “I really missed you….
Before she could add another sentence, he suddenly kissed her, taking all of her lips. It was a
desperate, savage kiss they both needed. She felt the warmth spread inside like a wildfire, driving her
crazy. All of her being was invaded by this hurricane of desire. They had been apart for too long. If this
was another treacherous dream, it was the most realistic one he’d had so far, and he was not ready to
let it go.
He wanted her. Just to carve his being into her, to touch and taste her body. They kissed desperately,
so eager their lips couldn’t bear to part for a second. They just wanted each other, their other half. It
was a reaction like nothing else could provoke but a wild, carnal desire. Something as old as the world,
buried in their flesh.
His hands were going all over her, touching her and grabbing each inch of Cassandra’s skin as if to
keep her there, to make any second of this real. Kairen couldn’t understand, but he wanted this. He
was like a mad man begging for a dream to last each second it could. He couldn’t stop. Cassandra was
just as eager as him. His warmth, that warmth that came from his core was driving her insane. She felt
sensations she hadn’t felt in a very, very long time rise in her. When he put his hands on her legs,
under her skirt, she shivered with desire. Her hands were all over him, caressing his torso, his neck, his
back, all of his hot skin. She wanted him.
They didn’t have time for anything, their desire was burning like a hot flame and erasing all restraint. He
took off his pants in a matter of seconds and ripped her piece of clothing that was separating them, and
after some clumsy movements, their bodies reunited in one movement.
Cassandra cried out under the brutal invasion. She felt him, filling her, completing her in a wave of
pleasure. She bit her lower lip, but it only made him want to kiss that lip some more. They exchanged a
long, gentle kiss. Kairen wanted to lose himself on the taste of her lips, eat her all up. It was gentle, yet
a bit savage. They just couldn’t express their love and desire enough. He started moving, making her
breathe louder. They had their eyes locked in each other’s, completely lost in that moment, as if they
were alone in the world. His movements made her moan and cry for more. The sensations waking up
in her were stronger than she had imagined, and he wasn’t slowing down to let her catch up.
The War God just couldn’t have enough of her. He kept pouncing, not stopping, not slowing down; He
just wanted her whole. He had craved that skin, that gentle taste. The sound of her voice in his ear,
echoing in the room. He needed to make sure she was real, that she was really there with him. He had
his arms wrapped around her, hugging her close, grabbing every inch of her skin he could, feeling her,
confirming this. Kairen was so desperate, he kept moving inside her, out of it, almost crying how good it
was. Cassandra kissed his eyes, his tears, repeatedly caressing his hair. Their bodies bouncing in each
other were burning up, fast and hard. They just needed this, this beastly instinct between them. They
couldn’t hold it in anymore. After just a few minutes, he rammed in with some wild movements, making
her jump and cry on him. Cassandra couldn’t retain her voice, the pleasure was breaking walls and
making her lose control. All her extremities were burning, sweating with pleasure. She cried out in
pleasure when he finished, exhausted, inside her.
They were both left panting, in the same position they had started. It had probably been their wildest
and shortest love-making ever. She chuckled, still trembling a bit from the relish of that pleasure, and
came to kiss him gently. He was willing to respond to anything her lips desired, caressing her skin
relentlessly. The previously cold room had turned very hot in a short time, their heat melting together.
As he kept caressing her skin, he finally found what had been bothering him from earlier. Cassandra’s
skin was perfectly white and smooth, without an ounce of imperfection. Without any scar. He frowned,
confused by this new miracle, and raised his eyes towards her once again.
“…How?” He whispered, caressing her hair without stopping.
Cassandra smiled gently.
“… The Water God,” she simply said. “I guess he wanted to save his last daughters… before he
Kairen let out a long sigh, and buried his face into her neck, closing his eyes and breathing deep.
Whoever he had to thank for this miracle, he was grateful to no end. He didn’t care to know how or
why. He could imagine why the Creature had decided to take Cassandra away from him, from their
world, but eventually, he had sent her back again… That was all he needed.
Cassandra felt a bit sad. She still didn’t know why the Water God had decided to trade his life for
hers… No one could tell what such a magnificent Creature was thinking at times like these. She took a
deep breath and kissed her man again. She changed positions to get off him and lie against him.
Kairen was unwilling to let go and wrapped her in his arms tight. She liked being trapped in his
“…It’s good to be alive,” she whispered. “I’m glad Kassian is fine… Did you decide to raise him alone
He nodded. Cassandra smiled. She would have all the time in the world to catch up with what she had
missed… With her sister, too. She hoped Missandra was happy. Lady Kareen and Shareen, too, she
wondered what they were up to now. Who had taken the gold throne? Opheus, or Anour? Kairen had
obviously no intention to seat there… For now, she was just happy to be away from all those questions.
It was like they were hiding in a little corner of eternity. She chuckled.
“What is it?”
“I think… I get to live my dream after all.”
The memory of a conversation they had, months and months ago, slowly came back to him. He
“We’ll do it all. Everything you wanted… To change it all.”
“What about you?” She asked gently. “You never told me what dream you had in mind.”
The War God smiled. noveldrama
“It’s fine. Mine has already come true anyway…
Cassandra was about to ask what it was, but then, she decided it didn’t really matter. This happiness
was enough. She was just in a good place right now, a place where she was happy… Where she could
be free.
In an Onyx Castle lost in the forgotten lands, the two of them fell asleep side by side.
The silent War God, and the slave girl who had changed his world.
He was born to kill. She was destined to die.
As two worlds collided, destiny had changed.
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