The Raven and The Snake

The First Book: Part 3

"Please, come have a seat." Professor Dumbledore said cheerfully, bringing them over to a table to one side of his office that was heaped with breakfast.

Ariadne sat down and helped herself to some tea even though her stomach was curled into a tight fist making the very idea of food unappetizing. She kept her mouth shut today, not wanting to be the first to talk. She focused on buttering some toast she had no intention of eating, waiting.

"I'm sure you're quite curious as to why I called you here a couple days early," Professor Dumbledore smiled congenially.

Ariadne looked up into his eyes, pressing the teacup to her lips without taking a sip. Professor Snape was not eating or even really looking at her. His eyes were on Dumbledore, his face an unreadable mask. She prodded him slightly with her mind, trying to get a fix on exactly how bad this was going to be.

He didn't even shoot her a look though his hand twitched on his lap so she knew he'd felt it. She was starting to be able to do it even without eye contact. She'd read that was possible in theory for natural born Legilimens, but it was still quite an accomplishment.

She waited, the tea still pressed to her mouth. She was breathing in the steam, trying to detect any sort of potion it might contain. That could give her a clue.

"I assure you, there is nothing besides tea in that cup, Miss Black." Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled a little.

She set the cup down and frowned disapprovingly. He was having too much fun. She'd been up the entire night on a very uncomfortable bus and even meditation was not going to make up for the lack of sleep.

"It is too early for games, Dumbledore." Professor Snape voiced her own complaints.

Dumbledore gave a little shake of the head, clearly disagreeing. He surely felt there was no such thing as "too early" for games. "Fine fine. Miss Black, you may relax. I have no intention of dismissing you from this school today."

She would have relaxed had he not said "today". She continued to sit, trying to be as stoic as Snape always seemed. Dumbledore noticed.

“Miss Black, I've invited you here early to see if you'd like the position of Teacher's Assistant."

Ariadne's eyes narrowed. A TA? Surely if that was all, he wouldn't have needed her to come here before the rest of the students.

"Normally, in your third year your courses would increase. I see you've already applied to take several classes. Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies..."

Ariadne nodded. "Normally."

She'd picked up on the key word there.

"Your teachers have all spoken quite highly of you, Miss Black. I'm sure you're aware that a couple of your essays on alchemic theory and the use of transfigured animals as potion ingredients have already been entered into contests. Your grades have been most intriguing. You're already operating spells at a much higher level than most students your age while still maintaining a fairly healthy social life."

She hadn't really known about the contests, though now that it had been brought up, she was sure someone must have mentioned it. It simply hadn't registered in the haze of the previous year. She'd been far too preoccupied with her fears of being expelled that she'd plowed through with trying to absorb as much about magic as possible to get her through if she had to bolt.

She gave a small nod to show she was listening. Her accomplishments sounded good when spoken aloud, but she still felt this wasn't heading somewhere good.

"It is still too early for you to take your O.W.LS and we don't usually recommend skipping grades, but I'm sure you must have already taken into consideration what you'd like to do after graduating."

Ariadne nibbled on her lip a little. She actually hadn't at all. Of course, someone that looked at her academic record would probably think she'd already had a goal in mind, but it honestly hadn't occurred to her. What sort of jobs were even available to those that were thrown out of school?

She glanced toward Professor Snape. He had taken some tea for himself, but still wasn't eating.

"I suppose I would like to work as a potion master or a healer. Perhaps I'll work for an apothecary..." She shrugged a little. Potions really were her strongest subject even if she did occasionally drift off while ogling the professor. Professor Snape's lip twitched a little. Was that supposed to be a sort of smile? Cute.

Ariadne warmed slightly. Professor Dumbledore was looking at her with a delighted smile. "Those are excellent ideas."

She waited.

"Since we don't recommend that students start skipping grades, we would like you to be a teaching assistant. A sort of career shadowing."

She stiffened a little. She had a sense where this was headed. "Just for Professor Snape?"

There was a slight pause. "Well, since you're considering becoming a healer, maybe you can also job shadow Madam Pomfrey." Ariadne's eyes narrowed. She turned her gaze to her tea that was surely cold by now. "Is this your way of assigning baby sitters?" Professor Dumbledore made a little humming. "Not exactly."

Ariadne fiddled with holes in the knitting of her sweater. "So what exactly is it then?"

"Other than Harry Potter, the school is taking other precautions because of a certain object we have agreed to guard for my dear friend and colleague, Nicholas Flamel. We have reason to believe that your grandfather or some of his remaining followers might be trying to steal this object." Professor Dumbledore was watching her closely for her reaction.

Ariadne looked at him. She remembered something about that. It had even been in the title of the first book. He was talking about the Philosopher's Stone. Even if it hadn't been in the books, she would have known. Of course, with her interest in alchemy, she'd come across the name of Nicholas Flamel who was famous for being the only person to ever create the stone of legend.

"I understand, Professor." They were going to keep an eye on her to make sure she wasn't going to steal it either.

Professor Dumbledore seemed to realize that was what she was thinking from her glum expression. "We do not suspect you, Miss Black. But if your identity were to come to light where your grandfather might hear about it... we would prefer to keep you safe."

Ariadne bit her lip so hard that she drew blood. It ran down her chin in a thin red line. Both of her professors reached for their wands, but she pulled her sleeve toward her face and whispered, "episkey." Her lip sealed itself up..

She knew she should remember this story better. Why couldn't she unscramble the images in her head? It made her head ache again. She took a swig of her cold tea.

"You think I will be in more danger than the boy?" He wasn't going to be a TA or anything on his first year.

Professor Dumbledore shook his head wearily. "That, I cannot say. Harry will naturally have many eyes on him during his first year, from the students as well as the teachers because of his fame. We want to try to keep you from gaining that sort of fame."

A dry chuckle came up from her throat. "Yeah, being on the Dark Lord's hitlist isn't exactly the sort of fame one hopes for." Professor Dumbledore's lips were pursed.

Ariadne turned her head to look at Snape fully. He hadn't said a single word since scolding Dumbledore about playing games in the early morning. She couldn't quite read his face, but he didn't seem happy. He was more... resigned.

The boy would be arriving at the school in just a couple of days. She pictured that redhaired, green-eyed woman she'd seen in Professor Snape's head. How much would that child resemble her? The green eyes, she was positive he would have. What else would remain of his mother?

She looked over at Professor Dumbledore and he nodded so carefully, she wasn't sure if he was trying to hide it from Snape. She looked into those blue eyes, a question in her head.

She wasn't the only one who was getting a babysitter in this deal. Snape would be watching her, but she would be watching him. She wasn't sure if that was such a good idea. Last year's rumors wouldn't be entirely forgotten just because she'd kissed a couple of boys from other houses. Wouldn't people naturally think she was hanging around Snape because she was still foolishly in love? Would that raise questions about what he thought of her if he kept a clearly starry-eyed girl around?

She tried to shove these questions at Dumbledore. He would've thought of these things, but the only sort of read she got from him on this was some amusement.

"What exactly does this mean for my course work, Professor?"

"Aw, well we have a couple of options there. Either, you will need to make up for the credits you're going to be losing on this little experiment next year... or we have applied for a time-turner from the Ministry. You will be able to take all of your courses if you'd like, but it will be quite demanding."

Something about this felt like a trap. Time-turners were a heavily guarded creation by the Ministry of Magic. Something that could change the course of history couldn't very well be handed out to anyone. The rules for the private use of one were extremely complicated.

Ariadne frowned. "What if I can't keep up with all of that course work?"

"Then we could always hold you back a year," Professor Dumbledore smiled.

That really made Ariadne laugh. She nearly doubled over. "We go from talking about the possibility of my being able to skip grades with my scores to being held back a year?"noveldrama

Things swam a little and tears sprung to her eyes. She was starting to feel exhausted. More than exhausted.

"I won't use a time-turner, Professor. I'm not interested in meddling with time." She smiled and yawned. "I'm apologize, I'm really tired."

Professor Dumbledore smiled brightly at her. "Then by all means, you may go to your dorm and get situated. You will have a busy schedule in a couple of days."

Ariadne rose from her seat. She looked over Professor Snape's face for a moment. He was grim. If he knew she was going to be watching him, he didn't seem pleased. But then, she was half his age, why would he want her keeping an eye on him during his classes with the Potter boy?

It seemed like it was working out in her favor though. She'd have an excuse to ogle him.

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