The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 38


One minute my world is ending in every way possible and the next I am free falling out the second-story window with Sadie’s wolf Savanah right beneath me.

My life flashed before my eyes as the fear for Mila’s safety consumed me..what just happened? The way her eyes snapped open and how a green glow eliminated from within and then it was as if an invisible force of power escaped my Mila, making Savanah react and throw us out of the damn window.

We landed with a thud, the hard ground below us not doing much to cushion the fall.

I still wore the silver collar around my neck and the wolfsbane continued to course through my veins but I tried damn hard to stand.

I looked down at Sadie, her body shifting back as my eyes adjusted to her naked form..f**k..she had shards of glass sticking out of her stomach and side.


She was unconscious but still bleeding..she took the brunt of it all and this was the aftermath.

I hastily slipped out of my shirt, covering her with it as I looked head spinning and my vision blurring as I tried so damn hard to focus.

Mila..I needed to go to her..I needed to make sure she was okay but I can’t leave Sadie here alone.

Revealing her stomach, I ripped out the shards of glass, slashing my palms as she let out a low g***n and turned her head.

If they are out then she can start to heal..I have to get them all out.

I made quick work, my hands bleeding heavily now as I grabbed the last shard and pulled making her whimper before settling back down as I stood, lifting her small frame with me.

I began walk, the air thick with tension as I tried to find the way inside…she had to be okay..she had to still be there.

I stumbled forward, using every ounce of strength I had left as I tried not to collapse on the ground beneath me.

After making it up the steps, I rushed inside and set Sadie down gently in a safe place..

“Mila!” I shouted, my eyes widening from the sight before me as I looked at the dead bodies scattered throughout the room.

Their limbs twisted and their faces frozen with terror..what the hell..Mila did this? This is what the goddess was capable of..this is the power my mate had dwelling deep inside of her.

“Mila baby, where are you?” I choked out, the need to find her becoming too overwhelming as that panic filled my chest, making my heart ache.

How could she come could she sacrifice herself like this? Please goddess let her be okay..

Then that’s when I saw her..her small body lying in the middle of the room with her hair fanned out all around could something look so damn beautiful in the middle of such chaos and destruction?

I ran to her side, collapsing down to my knees as my trembling hands reached for her. The feelings of relief flooded through me as I saw her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm..the sound of her heart beating flowed around me as I broke down..I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

She was here..she was okay..

I fell on top of her, my body shuddering from the sobs that escaped me. I thought I would never see her again..I thought…I thought he would take her from me.

“My beautiful Mila..” I cried, my lips sliding across her smooth sweet skin as I kissed her with such desperation I never thought I could feel in my whole life.

I have dreamed of this moment since the day I was taken..I have begged and pleaded to the goddess to bring me back to her..and now she is here..she is in my arms and I am still breathing. I didn’t think I would be, I thought it would all be over.

I lifted my shaking hand, my fingers gliding across her smooth cheek as I brushed the hair out of her closed eyes. She was sleeping..whatever power she used to do this must have knocked her out cold.

I dipped my head, placing my nose against her mark as I inhaled her fragrance deeply. Our scents still lingering together but not as strong as I like it.

“Everything is okay will all be okay.” I spoke out loud, taking a moment to absorb my mate’s scent into my lungs as I felt Bain subconsciously stir from his deep slumber. I knew he couldn’t speak but I could feel him there and the relief he felt mirrored my own.

She was so brave, so f*****g brave. My sweet goddess..she saved me.

Suddenly I heard the sound of tires crunching on gravel as my head snapped up and swiveled towards the door. I quickly lifted Mila’s limp body as I walked toward Sadie..I needed to get us out of here.

I bent down, placing Mila over my shoulder and hoisting Sadie over the other side as I miraculously stood. I don’t know how the hell I am still functioning right now..but I am going to go with the pure adrenaline pumping through me.

Just then I heard footsteps stomping toward us as I knew I had to bolt.

I turned on my heel, running in the opposite direction as the sound of my name being called froze me in my tracks.

“Rowan!” Blake called out, his voice full of emotion as I turned my head, causing him to gasp as he took me in. He was by my side in a second..the sight of him causing me to fall to my knees as he wrapped his arms around me.noveldrama

I couldn’t stop the tears from falling as Tristan ran up, a strangled sob escaping him as his eyes landed on the sight before him. He reached for his mate, her limp body sliding into his arms as he nuzzled into her neck.

I had never seen Tristan cry the fact that he was sobbing above Sadie was something I will never be able to forget.

Blake helped pull Mila off of my shoulder and settled her into my arms as his hands reached for my face before turning my head from side to side.

“F**k..” The only word he could get out before my Dad and the rest of the warriors came running in. Their eyes observed the scene before them as they focused on me and Mila.

“Son..oh goddess..” He ran over, joining Blake and I on the floor, his eyes wandering me and then settling on Mila.

“ she okay?” He asked worriedly before glancing at Tristan who was holding Sadie close to his chest as he rocked her back and forth slowly.

“Get the medic over here now!” My dad shouted, it was almost as if everyone were in a trance from the scene they walked in on.

One of our men Francis ran up to Sadie as he checked her partially healed wounds and began taking her vital signs.

“f**k Princess..why did you leave me..why?” Tristan choked out, his eyes wandering her body as I felt the guilt rising..she sacrificed herself for me..she pushed us out a damn window.

“John, get this thing off of my son now.” My dad said firmly, his eyes darting from the silver collar to my bad eye as his hand instinctively reached up, like he wanted to touch it.

“Does it..does it hurt?” He stumbled out, the pain so clear in his voice.

I shook my head no, honestly, I have become numb to it since the moment it happened. I was focused solely on this girl right here and trying to find a way to get to her. I bent down, kissing Mila on the head as I stroked her face and arms lovingly.

“Her vital signs are stable, we just have to wait for her to heal and wake up.” I overheard Francis say as Tristan held her even tighter, his hands gripping her tightly as he too couldn’t stop touching and kissing his mate. I guess I missed a lot..I knew they were now mated but seeing how close he was with her and how emotional he became, it made my heart ache even more.

“She..she took off in the middle of the night. I’m sorry Rowan..I really tried to keep her safe.” Blake broke down, making me reach out and wrap my arm around his back as he began sobbing..I could feel his guilt from here.

“She is the only way Rowan would have been safe my boy..she is the one who had to do this. They will be okay, they both will be.” My Grandpa spoke up, surprising me because I hadn’t even realized he was part of the group as well.

He walked next to me, his hand reaching out as he squeezed my shoulder before brushing his fingers across Mila’s cheek in an adoring way.

“You all have underestimated this girl for way too long. She is capable of more than we even know..she is strong.” He added, meeting my gaze as his hand reached up and touched my cheeks gently.

“And so are you my two were made for one another..your strengths are equal in ways none of us could ever understand.” He added, looking at my bad eye as I nodded..I had a feeling my grandpa was a part of the reason Mila came here..but I also felt like he knew who she was..he was aware of her strength..but I never wanted it to come to this. I wanted to protect her, to keep her safe, and to make her life as normal as possible.

I felt John break the silver collar around my neck as he pulled it off and I felt like I could actually breathe for the first time since I came here. Dan and he remained hovering around us as they looked at Mila protectively. Dan had brought her and Sadie a blanket as we continued to hold our mates. I was about to stand as I felt my strength already returning when our warriors began to gather the rest of the castle’s staff and look through the slain bodies around us.

“Sir, we have someone alive over here!” A warrior called out, making Blake lift his head as he slowly stood and walked towards the limp body on the ground.

“f*****g Ozzy.” His words found their way towards me as I snapped my head up and met Blake’s burning gaze.

‘I will rip his spine out and watch as he crawls away begging for mercy.’

Bain’s voice filled my mind..the first thing he had spoken in days and I agree..I couldn’t wait to hear him beg for mercy..something he will never know the meaning of for as long as we let him’s time for him to eye for an eye..right Ozzy?

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