Chapter 48: She is a human not a werewolf.
Chapter 48: She is a human not a werewolf.
It was good waking near my mate, my Heaven. We both spent many nights before but they all were
sneaking out and hidden from everyone. It feels good that I don’t need to rush back to my room or
leave the room even before she wakes up. Waking up to her makes my wolf go dancing in my head.
For once, I let go of my daily routine of workout before starting the day and let myself enjoy the
moment. I never wanted to just lie there with her in my arms more than now. I felt like making the most
of this moment.
I had my whole day planned. Firstly we will have a talk with Jeanne after the breakfast and make her
forgive us. This time we will throw tantrums and convince her. We will make the amends and then in
the evening we will have dinner with Ross. Later Ethan and I will discuss business with him over a few
drinks. Although I won’t get drunk easily with werewolf senses, today I want to get drunk.
Finally, after two months everything seems to fall in line and rest will be taken care of soon too.
But after breakfast as soon as the maid came in to announce the entry of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, my
happy bubble burst. It exploded as I saw their worried and exhausted faces. I don’t know who informed
them and what but their faces say they surely know something.
I wanted to keep my Heaven beside me, close to me but she practically ran to them as soon as she ran
to them. Before I could catch her and pull her behind me she was already in the arms of her father. My
wolf was poking me to get her back beside me. I tried shushing him but it seems like he sensed some
danger. What danger can her parents be?
As soon as they said, they are taking Celia away from this town, from me. I lost my patience. I wanted
to tear them apart, I wanted to show them no one can take my Heaven away from me. Before, I could
take any step Mary busted in my mind. Shouting loud and clear, warning me.
‘Don’t you dare, Alpha. You might risk our Luna for forever. Let me and Ethan handle this.’ I let out the
breath, I didn’t know I was holding from the moment I saw them.
‘You leave this town and I will tear apart the whole NYC. Your father thinks Harris was a badass, well
he doesn’t know me.’ Yes, I threatened my Heaven because losing her will make me lose my mind so
better call it a warning.
I just stood there while I saw the whole exchange between her, her parents, Mary and Ethan. They both
could only manage to let them stay for a few days but they will stay in her apartment. My wolf is pacing
around in my mind. He is reacting like a love sick pup, well he is no wonder. And I hate it that he isn’t
even trusting her parents.
I left the room and went into my office as soon as she left. I couldn’t bear the pain of fear of losing her,
losing the Luna of my pack. Losing a Luna not only weakens the Alpha but also the pack. When the
Alpha protects the pack, provides it, leads it and makes it stronger than ever; the Luna nurtures it with
her care and love. She protects in the sense of unity and love. Over time, alpha and luna roles evolved,
they both not only lead the pack but also take care of it like parents do for their children.
I have led this pack without Luna for almost 6 years and before other packs start eyeing my pack, I
need to find my Luna. Since I have got her I can’t lose her for the sake of my pack and my life. I will die
losing her.
Ethan and Mary followed me behind after some time. They choose the wrong time,unfortunately.
“How dare you shout at your Alpha? You think it was cool? And how did you handle it? Could you stop
your Luna from losing?” Mary hid behind Ethan who was standing stiff as if nothing happened. Seeing
Mary flinch behind him, makes me realise how wrong I am. I sat in my chair and dismissed them.
I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I felt like it was my own pain but it was not. I felt the pain of my
Heaven. I didn’t know how it happened but it happened. It was normal for wolf mates. They can feel
their mate if they’re in danger. They can feel the pain they’re going through. Not like the complete pain
but more like a sting of bee, just like a signal sent your way.
‘You okay, Heaven?’ I mindlinked her. But didn’t get a response immediately which made me jump out
of my chair which is now lying on the floor and I am all set to leave to get her back here.
‘Yes Chris, I am okay.’
‘I just felt your pain. Are you okay?’ I sighed as soon as I heard her voice, it was a sigh of relief and
pleasure of hearing her sweet voice.
‘I didn’t know you could also feel my pain, I thought we could just talk. I was late, but finally I got my
periods.’ It was only then it stuck mymind that human females bleed every fucking month for at least 30
years of their life.
‘Oh, yeah. I forgot you’re a human and you guys bleed every month.’ I couldn’t stop myself from
laughing. ‘No offence.’
‘Well, Offence taken.’ She sounded a bit annoyed and stopped responding after that. I tried calling her
a few times but didn’t respond to me once.
The small incident made me calm, and made my wolf sit in a corner. He is still restless with the new
situation but under control and no longer nudging me. I returned back to my pack which needed my
attention like information about Celia’s wolf ex-boyfriend, the rogue, training of new pups or advanced
training of my soldiers every weekend. Celia’s ex-boyfriend and the rogue were not the same. Tyler
confirmed her ex was not the rogue. I tried searching for each of their backgrounds but found nothing
While I was indulging too deeply in my work, I felt another sharp sting of pain in my stomach which
reminded me of Celia’s menstrual cycle. I laughed again but this time at my stupidity. I got a human
mate, I grew up living among them and still I know less about them. I felt the sudden urge to know more
about these cycles but I don’t have anyone to ask.
But I'm surrounded by werewolves and I feel like my Heaven is the only human woman I have
encountered with or cared for. So, I have no one to turn to and I can’t go to the pack doctor. We
werewolves get heat every month instead of periods, and some liquid discharge every six to eight
months. Obviously, the duration between two heats and two discharges depends upon woman to
woman just like humans..
I googled the term “Menstrual cycle”. As I was reading the articles and gathering the information why it
happens, how they deal with it and what they might undergo during this cycle. I found similarities
between the human menstrual cycle and werewolves' heat.
I don’t know what to do and how to do it, while I was searching for answers to my questions. I sensed
some presence over my shoulder, I turned around and found Ethan lurking in my laptop and quite
amused with his discovery.
I growled to bring back his attention to me.
“Oh, sorry.” But he didn’t look like it. He was still smiling which made me punch his face. I gave him the
look to not mess around and he continued. “Jacob and Dan actually wanted to know if they can start
prepping for your Mating ceremony or at least Luna meeting. So, what should I answer them?” He
asked, looking really calm. Does he really think I can announce Luna to the pack when her parents are
here and threatening me to take my mate away? While she doesn’t know about her duties to the pack
and people’s expectations which she needs to meet or when my own family rejects my mate.
“Tell them to halt their riding horses till my orders.”
“Cool.” He chuckled this time. “Why are you searching for these things?”
“I got a human mate unlike you and humans get periods.” I scowled at him.
“Why are you so annoyed by that?”
“She will bleed every month for a week like every human woman and you will surely not get it since you
have a werewolf mate.”
“Why are you saying like it is a bad thing that she is a human?” he asked the question, putting out my
insecurities in words. I felt annoyed at the fact that he said it so calmly. “You should be grateful that you
found her. Not because she is your mate but you got a really wonderful mate. You should love her,
cherish her.”
“I fucking love her more than my life, more than myself. I do cherish her and I do know how precious
she is not because she is my mate but because she is an amazing person. I do fucking know that but I
can never forget she is a human not a werewolf.” I shouted at him and got up to show my dominance to
him, to show him who is in control and who gets to say anything.
He stood with his head down and as soon as I pulled my wolf back he stood straight again with his
head high in the air, showing his confidence.
“She is my Luna and I don’t fucking care if she is a human or a werewolf. I still respect her and am
ready to kill for her Alpha.” He spoke showing his strength as he took the oath. I got confused why he
said that now but maintained my posture without showing a hint of my confusion. “Christian, I do want
you to accept the fact that she is a human because I know how much you love her and care for her. I
get your insecurities but you’re not insecure because she is not a werewolf but worried about her
acceptance in the pack and her acceptance to your world.” He said those words in a calm voice and
He stopped midway and turned around with a smile. “Contact a human gynecologist instead of surfing
the internet, Mary once said it is not reliable to trust when it comes to health issues.” He left after that
without turning back.
I was still standing there as if stuck in the movement. I didn’t realise how calmly he stated my feelings
so easily while I couldn’t even figure out what I was feeling all this time. But his words gave me the
confidence I needed, they gave me what I needed the most from my best friend right now.
After that I left for the human hospital in town, considering his advice to talk to a human gynecologist
and get answers to my questions. Well, she was amused by the fact that a big guy like me doesn’t
know anything about periods and how to deal with it or how my girlfriend will be during this time. But
she was really helpful and gave me straight instructions. She told me Celia can be moody and annoyed
a bit for no reason. She told me how to take care of her pains and cravings.
As my meeting with the doctor ended, I realized it was almost time for dinner and I had a guest planned
at home. I rushed there and found Ross already there in his casuals like he isn’t here to discuss
business. Although I wonder what business he wants to talk about.
We enjoyed our dinner and later went into my office to talk business over drinks. In the morning, I
wanted to get drunk in happiness and in sorrow but I still wanted to get drunk. I drank heavily
throughout the meeting. By the time our meeting ended, I was a little tipsy with all the drinks I had but
was happy with the result. I saw some hope to let my Heaven stay with me for a bit longer than just a
few days.
After the meeting, I left for Celia.s apartment to stay for night. She might be in her apartment but I still
won’t sleep without her. By the time I reached her apartment, I was exhausted with all the running and
the effect of alcohol on my body was all rushed down. I holded her in my arms and talked for a while
before she drifted off to sleep. All night, I gave her the warmth of my body as the doctor suggested. I
cuddled with her, drew circles around her back and lower abdomen, I tried my best to relieve her of the
painful cramps.
As I felt the sun coming, I got out of the bed to leave but stopped midway as I remembered her injured
leg and stayed a bit longer to give her leg a strong massage. The way she moaned, I was turned on. I
could take her then and there without caring much about her periods but ignored the lust and left just
before her father entered the room to check on her.
Ethan’s words yesterday and after talking business with Ross, I got my confidence and started planning
to make things better again. To make the things like they were before her parents entered the picture. I
need to act faster because my pack is waiting for their Luna.
I asked aunt Selena and uncle Robert to invite her parents for lunch so I can get some time with her. I
asked them to make a call and invite them but they both knew better than everyone and they decided
to pay them a visit and invite them personally.
By the time, I mindlinked with Heaven to inform her about their arrival they both were already there.
‘Did uncle and aunt already arrive?’
‘Oh god, You scared me Chris. And yes they are here.’ This time she responded immediately the way I
‘Don’t worry you will get habitual with time.’ I smirked as I told her.
‘Why did you call out in the first place, Chris?’ I didn’t like how she immediately got to the point.
‘Oh yes, I just reached out to inform you that they are there to bring your parents out with them so we
can have our talk with J because I don’t want to delay this a bit more.’
‘Are you missing your little sister already? Hell, I am missing my best friend too.’ I could hear her
disappointment in her voice.
‘Not only her but someone else too.’
‘My Heaven.’ I know how to get her where I want her. I smiled thinking how well I know her in such a
short time.
‘Chris, you just left in the morning. And speaking of morning, thank you for that leg massage it really
helped. My leg is a lot better now.’ I didn’t know she was awake at that time.
‘Told you, never can get enough of you.’ I smirked as I leaned back in my chair. ‘And I hate it sneaking
around. Although it is fun, your parents don’t know about us and it saddens both your lovers.’
‘I will take your leave, I think it is enough to get you turned on.’ I didn’t feel it like her pains but I know
as she is too easy to be seduced.
I went back to my work. Soon, I got the call from uncle Robert confirming that they accepted their invite.
I heard ruffling and soon heard aunt’s soothing voice. I remember very less of my parents but I am sure
my mother’s voice must be this soothing and calm. She informed me she will try her best to make her
parents stay longer till dinner but she can’t promise. I don’t know how she guessed it but I was gonna
ask her for time sooner or later.
I reached there before time. As soon as I saw her parents getting into the lift, I rushed to her apartment
to hold, to hug her and have a moment with her before Greg brought Little. I pulled her to me as soon
as I saw her and sniffed her calming scent. Smelling her again takes me back to the night, we met for
the first time and I scented for the first time.
Someone clearing their throat made us pull apart and I frowned but eased out as I saw Greg and
Jeanne. I didn’t like the way Greg held Jeanne’s arm as he dragged her here but I guess it was
required. We let them and they made their way to the couch.
We followed the lead as I took Celia’s hand in mine and walked towards them. We took our place
opposite to them and the silence engulfed us until Heaven broke it and brought everyone’s attention in
the room to her. All the time it was Celia and Jeanne talking and arguing more like Heaven pleading for
forgiveness and Little denying it repeatedly.
I only spoke once to tell her my explanation. It was quite simple. I was trying to figure things out.
Honestly, both ladies didn’t give me a chance to speak but couldn’t care more as I wanted this to end
sooner so I didn’t want to butt in. Until, I heard Heaven say something which broke me into pieces. I
couldn’t believe she could ever say something like this.
How can she promise she will break up with me if Little asks for it. Although I know Little will never ask
for it, why does she even need to promise such a thing. I think she needs to get reminded once again
that I love her and I don’t want her to leave me ever even in jokes or such useless promises. I was
thinking of all the reasons why she could have said such a thing and how badly I need to remind her of
our love as I heard Little.
“Break up with him!!!” I couldn’t bring myself to speak a word. I couldn’t believe what she said. It was
Little who broke my heart. I wanted to comfort my Heaven thinking she must be broken too hearing
those words. She must not have expected things to turn out like this and wouldn’t have thought of this
possibility when she promised it. She definitely doesn’t need to say anything more or beg for
forgiveness anymore. But before I could reach her I heard her whisper.
“Let’s break up.” Those three words left me dumbstruck, I couldn’t even make out what just happened
now when I saw her sprinting into her room. I wanted to confirm what she said but couldn’t make
myself speak or move.
I heard Little asking Greg to leave her as he took her off the apartment, leaving me there standing. My
world came down shattering, it seemed like my mate rejected me. I could hear my wolf whimper in
It was only a long time later, I moved out of the apartment, closing the door behind me carefully. I
needed to get out because I don’t know how to react or even live without my mate, without my Heaven.
She just rejected me and my love. I drove directly to my cabin in the woods. noveldrama
Deep inside the woods, I let my wolf take control and let his rage out before he explodes with his
feelings. As I shifted into my wolf, a tear rolled down my eyes but I shook my head and went in deeper
for a run.
I didn’t return from my run until late at night and when I returned I saw another car parked in front of my
cabin. It was Greg and Jeanne. Jeanne was shivering although there was no wind. It was the first time
my wolf didn’t jump out to comfort his little sister not because he was angry with her but because I
forgot how to feel anymore.
Seeing me coming back, she took a step forward. I got a look at her face and saw her teary eyes. I
guess Greg gave her the talk she needed and told her all those things I wanted to tell her personally.
Those eyes, I never let anyone bring tears in those eyes except when they were of happiness and
today too I was angry seeing those teary eyes. But right now, I don’t trust my wolf and mind linked Greg
to take Little away from me for now as I don’t trust myself for now and I will not forgive myself if
something happened to her.
I stood there as I watched Greg taking Little from there silently while her eyes pleaded for forgiveness.
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