The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 4.

Angel POV.

I wake up to the sound of Rebel's belly laughing. I climb out of bed and yawn, stretching. I look down and I groan, stuffing my boob back inside my vest top. I rub my eyes as I stagger down the hallway to her room. Still sleepy, I didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't settle, every time I closed my eyes. I saw his face. I look at my little girl who is sat on the floor playing with her blocks.

"Rebel." I say in a singsong voice she turn her head to the sound, her hair sticking up in every direction kind of like mine right now. I chuckle as she stands up and runs to the baby gate. I lean over it and pick her up. Giving her kisses all over her face.

She is a happy baby, she always has been. Her tantrums, however, could frighten a hurricane away. She is explosive when she is having a moment. But on the whole, she is a happy girl.

"You hungry?" I reach for her head and try my best to smooth down the crazy professor hair. She nods her head and snuggles into the crook of my neck. I chuckle and pat her bottom as I walk us both down the stairs.

Boomer lifts his head from his bed in the living room, his stump of a tail wags like crazy as he stands and follows me to the back door to be let out so he can use the bathroom. I enter the bathroom by the back door and quickly change Rebel, wash my hands and pick her back up. Then I shuffle to her highchair and place her in it. I hand her a book and she bangs it against the tray.

"Ok little lady, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask her as I flick the kettle on and get to work making my coffee. It's going to take a truckload to get me functioning this morning.

"Eggs, tost." I chuckle dippy egg and toast it is. She is still learning to say words properly, but she is doing great. I get to work boiling the water for the eggs. I turn the TV on to some kids channel I turn the chair so she can see the TV in the living room. I drop the eggs into the water and get Boomer's breakfast ready.

Once the eggs are ready, I let them cool slightly as I make her toast and butter them, cutting them into long strips for her to be able to hold.

I sit next to her watching her eat her breakfast. I smile as she gently picks up the long strip of toast and dips it into the gooey yolk. She does a little dance in her seat as she eats. I chuckle at her antics.

The doorbell sounds and I reach for my phone and check the camera. I groan out. Just great. It didn't take him long. I ignore it for now. When he starts pounding on my door. Boomer growls and abandons his food as he walks towards the window.

"Angel, I know you are inside. Open the door, I just want to talk." Boomer starts barking which causes Rebel to jump out of her skin. Can't have a moment's peace?

"Shhh sweetheart, it's ok you eat your breakfast. Mommy is going to answer the door." I tell her it's a good thing she has finished her egg and is now eating her buttery toast.

I kiss her head and move to the door. Boomer stands in front of me and I grab his collar. I take a breath and open the door.

"What do you want, Savage?" he looks at me in surprise before he smirks at me. Shit, oh well, no point in hiding now.

"Just to talk Angel, please." I roll my eyes as Boomer growls and I pull him back.

"We have nothing to talk about, Savage. I think you said everything that needed to be said three years ago. Now, if you don't mind, I'm kind of busy." I go to shut the door when his booted foot stops me.

"I want to see my child, Angel. You won't keep me away." My heart sinks. How does he know? Who fucking told him?

"I think we need to have that talk, don't you?" he chuckles. I may hate him, but he is right. We do need to chat and I need to find out how he knows about her.

"Fine, meet me at the bar at one this afternoon. We will talk then." I say and he smiles at me, his dimples on display. He steps back, and I shut the door. I lean against the door, resting my head against it, hearing the motorcycle drive off. Rebel squeals as she throws her toast on the floor. I sigh and push off the door as Boomer eats up what she has dropped.

"You, missy, need a bath." I say with a chuckle, looking at her egg and toast covered mouth and face. She even has the toast in her hair. My little Rebel.

After she had a bath, well, I say bath; the bathroom was more like a swimming pool when she has finished. She is dressed in her little jeans and pink T-shirt with a glittery unicorn on the front. Her dark blonde hair is in little buns on the top of her head, she is also wearing her little pink converse.

I look at the clock and see it's half-past twelve. I make her a quick snack and she eats it all. I grab the keys and Boomer and leave the house. I did contemplate keeping Rebel away from him, but there was no use in that. He knows about her now.

I head out when Scar walks up the path.

"Where are you both off to?" she asks, and I swear she has some kind of sixth sense or something.

"Savage came to the house this morning. He knows about Rebel and so I agreed to talk to him at the bar." I tell her and she nods her head.

"Well then, it looks like we will be heading to the park then." I look at her in confusion.

"It's ok, I may as well rip the bandaid off and let him meet her." I say to her and she nods her head with a small smile on her lips.

"You are doing the right thing, Angel. If you need me, give me a call and I will put him in his place." She says, waving her fist and I laugh at her. Scar reminds me of momma. She is fearless and I adore her.

"Ok, I will keep that in mind. We have to go." I say to her as I walk to the car and strap Rebel into her seat as Boomer sits next to her in the back.

We drive to the bar. I catch sight of his bike out front. The nerves kick up a gear as I park beside it. Careful to not scratch it or crash into it. Which wouldn't be a bad idea. I chuckle evilly at the thought.

No Angel, you are not a child. I climb out of the car and to the back. I unclip Rebel and set her on the floor. Boomer jumps out and walks beside me. Here goes nothing.

I open the door to the bar and see Coral behind the bar who is making goo-goo eyes at Savage. I roll my eyes as I walk further in.

"Hey Angie," I smile at her when I feel his eyes on me. I hold on to Rebel's hand. I turn around. He isn't looking at me, no, he is looking at his daughter.noveldrama

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