Snapshot: Chapter 32
Baby, can we please talk? I keep calling and it’s going to voicemail.
It’s really important. Not exaggerating.
Please call me. Please, please call me as soon as you get this.
Shit. How long have I been tied up on the phone? I missed all of Lennox’s messages. Since the moment disaster hit, I’ve been in crisis mode. I ignored all notifications, my sole mission getting the entire leadership team into one room to figure out this Royal Bahamas explosion that just went off.
Richard Spellman is an arrogant, boisterous son of a bitch, far more concerned with his status than the well-being of his company. I was hardly surprised that he rejected my counteroffer. The major issue is that early this morning, Royal Bahamas released a press statement announcing new investors who had full faith in their new endeavor, ‘Once in a Lifetime’ cruises to host a one-week feature of celebrity musicians. Their first headliner…Shaylin, and a quarter of their proceeds were being donated to her favorite charity, Guardian.
And now I have to get to the bottom of this because there’s a rat on my team. A rat that just cost me nearly a billion dollars and tens of thousands of people their jobs.
I’ve never been this livid before about work. Every cell in my body is on fire, inflamed with putrid hate. All I’ve done is break my back for this company. Years of education prepared me for this position—all the grunt work I did earning my stripes, and now, even after losing my grandma, going as far as getting married in a hurry just to secure the company’s future. My family has been nothing but generous and forgiving, and yet…there’s still an ungrateful fucking weasel on the team.
This is why Grandpa had very few friends. “Kindness is a distraction,” he’d always tell me. Be a leader who makes no exceptions. Better to be respected and feared than liked.
I’m sorry, Len. I’m actually back in Miami now. I’m headed to the office.
Emergency. I’m calling everyone from the leadership team into a mandatory meeting.
But it’s Saturday. It can’t wait?
No, I’m sorry. I’ll meet you right after I figure this all out.
If it’s a meeting with the entire team, should I be there?
Up to you, baby. But I warn you, someone’s head is about to roll. I’m livid.
I’ll explain soon. Love you.
Lennox is going to be crushed. Half the reason I pushed for the ‘Once in a Lifetime’ cruise endeavor to come to fruition is that I wanted to give my wife a big win. I wanted her to see what kind of impact she could have on the company. I’ve always believed in her.
I wanted her to believe in herself, too.
And now the jackass that ruined everything is going to have literal hell to pay.
“I want to convey the severity of the situation…and how infinitely fucking furious I am,” I say between gritted teeth. “The entire server is being searched as we speak. The legal team, PR…everybody is on this, and it’d make the situation so much less complicated if the culprit would just fess up. Who the hell spoke to Spellman?” I bury my hands in my face. “The people in this room are the only ones who knew about the endeavor.”
“Dex, take a breath,” Hank says, sitting right next to me. He clasps his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. Have you spoken to Spellman?”
Of everyone in this room, Hank might be the only one I trust. “Legal reached out. We’re waiting on a response.”
There’s a soft knock on the meeting room door, and Lennox, with her hair pulled back and wearing a sleek blue dress, waves at me through the glass doors. Even with my chest tight with fury, the sight of my wife makes me smile. I beckon her in. She flocks to my side, taking a seat on the other side of me. She must sense the tension in the room because once she’s seated, she starts rubbing small, soothing circles against my back.
“What’s wrong?” she asks softly, eyeing the room before looking me in the eyes.
Hank jumps in to clarify for me. “Lennox, our business plan was leaked for Luxe Adventure. Richard Spellman this morning not only officially declined our merger offer, but also announced that Royal Bahamas intends to launch their ‘concert cruise’ idea—aka our idea—by the end of next year.”
Lennox’s eyes grow into wide, unblinking saucers. “I mean…that doesn’t stop what we’re doing right? All companies do that. One person has an idea, everybody follows suit?”
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “There are certain logistics to piggybacking. Typically, it’s frowned upon. Not to mention, they also got our headliner. If it helps, Shaylin was honored by the request and very enthusiastic about the charity idea… Your idea would’ve worked.”
“But…but…” Lennox stammers. “I…wait—Emmett, right? He can ask her to help us instead of Royal Bahamas, can’t he?”
“Lennox, he’s a label exec. He doesn’t own her. I asked Emmett for his help in persuasion. It was his decision to make. Royal Bahamas got to her first…independently. They must’ve had some sort of contact on the inside.”
She shakes her head, her big brown eyes starting to glisten. “Dex, there has to be a way that we can—”
“We have to shut down Luxe Adventure Cruises in phases to prevent further loss. We’ll retire the ships one by one. By the end of next year, nearly twelve thousand people will have lost their jobs.” I bang my fist on the table. “And I want to know who’s fucking responsible. If I have to find out the hard way by searching every single email on the server, I will ruin them. Releasing trade secrets is a breach of contract, a violation of an NDA, and at this magnitude, illegal.” Everyone squirms in their seat, exchanging nervous glances. “No one wants to speak?” I turn my lips down and nod. “Fine, then we’ll all wait here together until legal has answers for me.”
I turn to my right to see my wife looking on the brink of hysteria. Her bottom lip is shaking. I can barely make sense of her words. But I hear enough…
“Me,” she whispers. “It…it was me. I talked to Richard. Stop yelling at them,” she musters out. “I’m the one to blame.” She throws her hand over her mouth as she kicks her chair back. “I’m so sorry. So, so sorry,” she says between short gasps, then flees the room.
I’ve never seen Dex so angry. What’s worse is that he’s angry at me. After I confessed in the board room, I practically sprinted to Dottie’s office. I kicked off my shoes and tucked myself onto the couch, holding my knees tightly to my chest like a frightened child. An apt description—that’s what I am here. A child.
I wrecked my life in Vegas with stupid decisions, and it took me less than a month to destroy Dex’s too. The weight of the consequences is so much heavier now. Before, I lost my job, relationship, and apartment and had a few thousand dollars stolen from me. But at least my wrecking ball behavior was localized to my life. Now, tens of thousands of people are going to lose their jobs. How many dads are going to feel like mine did? Lost, scared, and unsure if they can keep feeding their families. All because I can’t seem to spot a snake in the grass. Everybody else can. Even my twenty-one-year-old assistant seems to have better character judgment than me.
It wasn’t like this back home. There were good people and bad people. But none of this conniving. I didn’t want to make mistakes. I made them all innocently. Not that it matters. On purpose or not, somebody is still going to pay the price for my screw-up.
I dig through Dottie’s letter box, trying to find something to comfort me. Her letters have been my constant companion. When I feel lost, it helps to dive into her feelings. Yes, she was an amazing leader, but like me, she was also a woman in love—questioning her decisions and her identity just as much as I am.
Maybe this is what Dex needs, to feel close to his grandma like I do right now. My stomach churns because I have to make matters worse and tell Dex the truth about Kat’s article. But maybe… I think Dottie needs to tell him. I just need to find the right letter. The one that conveys how much she loved him and how Dottie isn’t some master manipulator. Every choice she made in her life was rooted in love. For her daughter, her family, her husband… The only person she left out was herself. Never finding her happily ever after with the man who held her heart.
I think that’s why she did all this. To break the cycle. She wanted Dex to choose love. No matter how difficult it’d make his life.
The various scenarios play through my mind as I try to determine the perfect first letter to show Dex. Nothing is landing quite right. I’ve pieced together the truth with dozens of letters by now. I don’t know how to sum it all up in one perfect introduction to the truth. Where’s the best place for Dottie to start? I have to hope it’ll come to me in the next few minutes because it’s time to face my husband.
Letter box in my hands, dead set on winging it, I leave Dottie’s office to find Dex. I tiptoe down the long hallway and bank right. The final twenty feet is the hardest. My footsteps are slow, and my legs feel heavy. Dex has been so wonderful to me, but every person has a breaking point. I fucked up. Accident or not. What if he sees me differently now?
Tucking the box under one arm, I knock.
“It’s open,” he calls out.
He’s sitting at his executive desk, face hidden behind his monitor. When he sees me, he smiles. Rolling back in his chair, he loosens his tie.
“There you are,” he says softly. “I was going to give you a few more minutes and come find you. Want to sit?” He points to the couch. “Where are your shoes?” he asks, peering at my bare feet.
I wore my most intimidating designer shoes to meet Kat. My poor feet are an angry red. “I left them in my office…if it’s even my office anymore.” I hang my head as I take a seat on Dex’s sofa. His office is set up similarly to Dottie’s. Desk area, built-in shelves behind, a sitting area with one sofa and two single chairs. The difference is Dex’s office is decorated with dark colors and leather furniture. Sort of a yin and yang situation in comparison to Dottie’s office.
“Len,” he says softly. He joins me on the couch and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tight.
“I’m sorry,” I blubber out. “You have to know it was an accident.”
“I know. Thinking back…it was the charity event, wasn’t it?”
I nod glumly. “I thought Richard already committed to the merger. I told him everything. He made a comment about you being in charge of Hessler Group and I was just trying to brag on you and your great idea.”
Dex looks so tired and worn down. It must’ve been a long day for him too. He looks like a babysitter who’s been put through hell with rebellious toddlers. From what I’ve learned, it’s kind of what this job entails. Babysitting me, his company, and his leadership team. There’s always something going wrong, and I don’t understand when he’ll ever find the time to rest.
“I understand. It’s okay. But…” He hooks his finger under my chin and guides my eyes to his. “I made quite a show back there. The leadership team is calling for your removal.”
“Rightly so,” I reply.
“That’s why I’m upset. Now this is out of my hands. I wouldn’t fire you. In fact, I can’t. But what happened with Spellman…technically it’s considered releasing trade secrets. It’s against company policy, and in a way, illegal.”
Hot tears coat my cheeks, but I force myself to keep my voice steady. “So, based on a company policy, I’m out and the position goes to you. Problem solved.”
“I can try to fight it,” Dex adds.
“Why?” I ask. “This is perfect. Happy accident that we stumbled onto a loophole. I’m just sorry I let you down.”
He holds my gaze. “You didn’t let me down.”
“Stop protecting me, Dex. If anybody else had spilled the beans to Richard you’d be coming down on them ruthlessly. I saw how angry you were. This whole situation is ridiculous. Who would be crazy enough to trust me with a company like this?”
He smiles. “My grandma…me. Why is that so crazy? You think people don’t make mistakes? I could tell you about some of my blunders my first few years here, and that was after a Harvard Business School education, mind you.”
I shake my head. “It’s not the same. All the mistakes I’ve made have been because I’m trying to make friends. I’m never going to have real friends here or a normal life. Being with you means isolating myself. I guess I have to get used to that.”
Dex drops his eyes to his lap as he squeezes my shoulder. “Is that really how you feel?”
“Come on. We both know I don’t belong here.” I roll my wrist, gesturing around the room.
“You don’t belong here in this office? Or, in Miami with me?” he asks quietly. His words are barely above a whisper but I know what he’s asking, clear as day. “Are you unhappy? Be honest.”
I place my hand on his cheek. “I’m so happy when you’re here. But, when you’re gone, I’m…”
“Not,” he finishes for me. “And I’m gone more often than not.”
“Exactly,” I admit.
He nods his head slowly, like it’s heavy. “It’s only going to get worse. Especially with Luxe Adventure shutting down.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and clamps his eyes shut like whatever thought he has is painful. “Len, I’m going to ask you something and please be honest with me.” His eyes are firmly fixed on mine. “Do you want to go home to Vegas?” He grips my shoulder tighter like he’s bracing himself for my response.
I don’t answer right away. I inhale and exhale, trying to control my sniffling. “I said I’d be here for you.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
I force myself to meet his eyes. “I never imagined a life where my entire purpose is to wait around until you have time for me. It’s weird for me not to have to work but still have everything in ridiculous abundance. I don’t want to feel like a doll on the shelf, collecting dust. I still want to do something with my life. I thought marrying you would help me find that purpose. But right now, I still feel very lost. And yes…I miss home terribly.”noveldrama
“Doll on the shelf,” Dex parrots back in a murmur. “That’s something Grandma used to say.”
“I read her letters, Dex.” I point to the box I placed on the coffee table. “I think that’s much how she felt until she took over Hessler Group. She found her calling. I guess I thought I was following in her footsteps in a way. But I think we’ve established that I don’t have the business chops that she did.”
“You didn’t even give yourself a chance,” he says.
“There’s no time for chances when people’s livelihoods are on the line. I don’t want to hurt anyone else. Not the Hessler employees, not you…not myself. I just want—”
“To leave?”
I want to deny it, but it’s true. I want to go home. I miss my old life, things as they were. But the look of sadness in his eyes is making my stomach twist. “It’s complicated,” I say, placing my palm on his cheek.
“Len, I don’t want to trap you in a life you hate. I don’t want us to have a marriage like my grandparents or their parents before them, where we lead separate lives and grow to secretly resent each other. Is that where we’re headed?”
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “But you know what I do know?”
“What’s that?”
I smile at him. “I love you, Dex. With my whole heart. Always have, always will.”
He kisses my forehead. “Perfect timing. I needed to hear that right now. I love you too.”
“Good, so we’ll figure it all out together.”
“Why don’t you go home tomorrow? Spend some time with your family and friends while I sort things out here with your transition out as CEO. I’ll meet you for the dive trip and we can talk about how we can make this work.”
I breathe out in relief. “Okay, yes, that sounds good.” I’m liberated. I no longer have to play career woman Barbie in this office, but a glaring issue arises in my mind. “But wait…what about my salary, Dex?”
“What about it?” he asks.
“You paid my salary up front, and now I didn’t earn it… I already spent a huge chunk of it.”
Dex lifts his eyebrows in surprise. “Not that I’m complaining, but on what? Do we own a Bugatti I have yet to see?” He smirks.
“I paid off all my debt. And my dad’s. It was…a lot.”
“All that money and the first thing you think to do is pay off your parents’ debt?” Dex asks.
I shrug. “What else do I really need?”
He scoots closer, pulling me into his embrace. “This is why you hate it here. Your heart is too good. You’ll never fit in here in my world,” Dex mumbles. “Don’t worry about the money.”
“I am worried,” I say. “I didn’t hold up my end of the deal.”
“Technically, you did,” Dex murmurs against my neck. The familiar swirl of desire brews between my thighs. “It was shorter than a year, but you held the position. Now, the shares are going back to me. It’s done. Money’s yours. And it’s just a drop in the bucket, Len. I’m going to take care of you, your family, and our family forever.”
His hand slips between my thighs as he continues to kiss my neck. “I really missed you,” he murmurs. “And fuck, you smell so good.” He grabs my hand and lays it across the bulge in his lap, then heads right back up my skirt, trying to wedge my thighs apart.
Glancing around the room nervously, I try to ward off Dex’s advances. “Wait, Dex, this is your office.”
He takes a brief break from kissing me to flash me a mischievous smirk. “Sure is. My office. My wife. And I want you here. Right now.”
“There are people here,” I insist, struggling to keep my head from going fuzzy as his lips touch all over my bare skin.
“It’s Saturday. We’re alone.” One of his hands is still maneuvering up my thighs, now spread as far apart as my skirt will allow. Dex’s other hand is on the back zipper of my dress, peeling it down.
“What about the executive team? They were just here.”
“They’re gone. They left in a hurry. It’s fine.” He grazes my clit with his thumb through my thong, and a tremor of desire surges through my body. But I stop myself before I get carried away.
“Wait, Dex, there’s something I need to tell you about Denny,” I say, clamping my legs shut, squeezing the life out of his hand.
There’s a smirk on his face. Like he’s thrilled I just denied him. “Did you just close your legs on me?”
I nod slowly, once again glancing at the box on the table. “I hate to pile on, but there’s something else you need to know… I don’t know how to say it.”
“Are you leaving me?”
“No,” I assure him with wide, horrified eyes.
“Is it medical? Are you hurt? Is someone else hurt?”
Puzzled, I answer, “No.”
“Then I don’t care right now. We can talk later.”
“Dex…you can’t possibly want sex.”
He glances down at his crotch, proving me wrong. The obvious thick bulge is my clear answer. “Why wouldn’t I want to feel close to you?”
“Because I just fucked your whole company up. You treat me with kid gloves, but admit it, if I were anybody else on the leadership team, you’d be ripping me a new one right now. I messed up. It’s okay if you’re angry with me.”
He scowls at me. “Yeah, so mad,” he says sarcastically, but then he pumps his eyebrows at me. “Bad girl.”
“What?” he asks with a light laugh. “I’m sorry—you want me to be upset? I can’t. Sure, it’s an inconvenience, but it’s not lost on me that even on my worst days, I’m not alone. Lennox, never forget that all you do is add to my life, not take away. I never needed a business guru of a wife. I just wanted someone who sticks by me even in the worst of times. I wanted a partner… My best friend. You’ve been so patient with me for three years when I was denying how much I actually wanted you. Even more so since we got to Miami and I left you alone. I’m not angry. I’m just grateful you’re still here.”
I cock my head to the side, staring at his handsome face. His light green-brown eyes look a little hazy at the moment. It’s like he’s in the eye of the storm, blissfully unbothered by the wreckage I’ve caused. Is this love? Automatic forgiveness? Problems become our problems. And there are no real consequences as long as we’re together?
“That was a good speech,” I say.
He smiles. “No speech. It’s honestly how I feel.” His hand is back on my breasts, cradling the right, then left side firmly. “Relax. Let me make this bad day better. Okay?”
I roll my eyes. “You’re annoyingly kind to me. You shouldn’t be trying to fix the bad day I caused. If anything, you should be punishing me.”
I meant something along the lines of having to figure out a way to give back the salary I didn’t earn. But, based on the devilish expression that consumes Dex’s face, I know he took that a different way.
“You want a little punishment?” He lifts his brows. “Oh, Mrs. Hessler, I can most definitely do that.”
“I didn’t mean…” I trail off, losing my words because I’m transfixed on his sexy smile—dangerously arousing. And now, I’m curious. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Spin around,” he commands as he rises and undoes his necktie. He pulls down my zipper all the way and helps me step out of my dress. “Good girl,” he says, smoothing out the tie in his hands. “Now, hands together.” He makes quick work of binding my wrists securely. I’m barely able to wiggle my hands. “Too tight?” he asks.
I shake my head. “No, I’m okay.”
“Good,” he says, fisting his hard-on through his pants. “Now go bend over my desk.”
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