Snapshot: Chapter 30
My face hurts from fake smiling. For the past three hours, it’s been the same conversation over and over again. By now, my answers are rehearsed. Yes, Dex and I are very happy. No, I’m not hiding a pregnancy; we just didn’t want a big ceremony. Yes, my parents are thrilled. No, we aren’t also billionaires. Also, no, I have absolutely no damn clue what I’m doing as the CEO of Hessler Group. That last part is an exaggeration. I’ve kept my trap shut about my work assignment to avoid any open-mouth, insert-foot situations.
Still, the invasiveness of this community knows no bounds. Somebody told me their daughter also has purple hair. She’s thirteen, of course, so I’m not sure if that was a dig or just a desperate attempt to cover the lull in conversation.
After Dex’s short speech, he had to make a few rounds, shaking hands and schmoozing. He left me at our VIP table to rest my feet and fill up on champagne. I’m actually still starving after a five-course meal. The plates were beautiful, but the filet mignon was the size of a shot glass for goodness’ sake. I thought wealth made things plentiful, but apparently, rich people don’t really eat. Between the hunger and the copious amounts of Dom Perignon, I’m sleepy and slaphappy. All I want is for Joe to pull the limo around and take us home.
As I drain my glass for the umpteenth time, a large man with a white mustache sits down in the chair beside me. I blink, surveying the uninvited stranger, dumbfounded at his shocking resemblance to a walrus.
“Having a good evening?” he asks with a warm smile. His pudgy cheeks bulge into perfect spheres.
“I am. Thank you,” I say, trying not to slur. “How about you?”
He laughs. “I hate these things,” he grumbles. “As soon as the sorry excuse for dessert is served, I’m finding the nearest drive-through and getting a proper meal.”
I drop my jaw. Finally, a normal person here. “What in the world was that green salad thing they served that looked like spaghetti?”
“The seaweed salad?” He barks in laughter. “You were brave enough to try it?”
I nod, smiling. “It did indeed taste like it was from the sea.”
He holds out his hand. “I’m Richard Spellman from Royal Bahamas.”
The name sounds vaguely familiar. “Lennox Mitch—or, Hessler. Lennox Mitchell for now, but eventually Lennox Hessler.”
He nods. “I know who you are, ma’am. You and I have some business to finalize.” He laughs again when he sees my eyes widen in terror. “Don’t worry, Dex has already explained Hessler Group’s current leadership setup. I’m not trying to put you on the spot. I mean, I’m honored that our companies are merging. It’s been a deal long in the making. I’m sorry Dottie isn’t here to finally see it through.”
“Were you and Dottie close?” I ask, blinking to try and focus. I must be a little tipsier than I thought, as his face keeps coming in and out of focus.
“We were what the kids call ‘frenemies,’ I suppose.” His chuckle is hoarse and raspy. He beats his fist against his chest. “My days of smoking Cubans are catching up with me.” He clears his throat and continues, “I had a hell of a lot of respect for Dottie. I spent my entire life in her shadow. I think her grandson is going to do a fine job with my company.”
I reach out to tap his arm. “Dex cares,” I say softly. “About the people, about his team. He would break his back to make things work for everyone.”
“I’m sure he would. He has some growing up to do, but I think one day he’ll make a fine leader,” Richard says, his tone condescending.
My defensiveness rises. I don’t think these old grumps realize what a masterpiece Dex already is. “I wouldn’t underestimate him. You know Luxe Adventure was a struggling cruise line until Dex came up with a fantastic idea to turn that entire money pit around.”
Richard scoots his chair in before sitting up taller at the edge of his seat. Leaning in close, he whispers with a sly smile, “Well, fill me in, Mrs. Hessler. I’d love nothing more than to hear about how our future company is going to annihilate the competition…which, by the way, was me, until recently. Nice to be on the inside, now.”
Fully intent on giving Dex all the credit so his new partner has full faith in his brilliance, I fill Richard in on the concert cruise idea. Soup to nuts. I explain in great detail the intricacies of our endeavor. I even name-drop Shaylin and mention our plans to contribute to her favorite charity.
“A concert cruise,” Richard repeats, bobbing his head in approval. “That’s actually a fantastic idea.”
I beam, my cheeks aching from my overextended smile. “All Dex. The cruise line was in trouble, and now it’s going to be the most lucrative fleet in the company.”
“Hmm,” Richard says, “I have no doubt. A billion-dollar idea indeed.” I look over Richard’s shoulder and see Dex approaching. He’s loosening his bow tie, a sleepy smile on his face. Damn, my man is a dream. I’d be drawn to him in any crowd, at any event, in any city. He’s a magnet’s pull. My heartbeat flutters with excitement as he approaches, knowing that he’s mine. All mine.
“You ready to go, Trouble? I think I’m talked out for the evening.” Dex glances at my empty champagne flute. “Unless you’d both like another round?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“I’m about to call it an evening as well.” Richard scoots his chair out and rises. Dex is well over six feet, but Richard is taller and nearly double his width. He holds his hand out to Dex. “Hessler, nice to see you. Very nice speech this evening.”
Dex shakes Richard’s hand, and I can’t help but notice the tension. Richard’s wearing a cocky smirk and Dex looks uncomfortable. “Nice to see you as well. Have you had any time to look over my counteroffer?” Dex asks.
“I have indeed,” Richard replies. “I think your lawyers made a mistake. The offer seems to be missing a digit.”
“I’m just going off the numbers, Richard. The actual value of the company versus the perceived value. Please take your time considering it. It’s a very generous offer, and you know Hessler Group is the only one in a position to offer anything close to that range.”
“Hmm,” Richard grumbles out. “I think we have different definitions of generous.”
“Richard, come on. It’s ten percent more than my grandmother offered. My show of good faith. But I can’t double an offer on a company that’s nearly bankrupt. You know that. The numbers don’t lie.”
I’m not sure if I’m imagining it, but Richard flushes—maybe from embarrassment, maybe from anger. “I’ll be in touch,” Richard huffs. “Ma’am,” he says, saluting me with two fingers. “It was a pleasure meeting you in person, finally.”
“What was that about?” I ask Dex as soon as Richard is out of earshot. “I thought you guys were acquiring Royal Bahamas. Isn’t that why you flew back to Miami early after we got married?”
“Yes. But right before the paperwork was signed, he asked Hessler Group to double down. Greedy old man who wants to retire off of pure pity. Grandma would never fall for his tricks. He clearly thought I was more gullible.”
My stomach sinks. I spoke to Richard like he was part of the team, not an outsider looking in. I have no idea the ramifications of what we talked about. “Dex, Richard, and I were chatting and—”
“Baby, don’t worry about him. He’s been weaseling around for the better part of two decades. I can handle it. Come on.” He grabs my hand, and I stumble as I step toward him. Catching my elbow, he braces me. “Is that because your feet hurt? Or because you’ve had one too many.”
“Definitely the latter,” I admit. “And I can no longer feel my feet.”
Dex laughs. “Come on, sweet wife. I want to take you home, take those shoes off, then that dress.” He leans down to whisper in my ear. “You’ve been a walking cock tease all night, and when we get home, I’m going to do something about it.”
We’re barely home and through the elevators before Lennox kicks off her shoes, flinging them across the room like she’s angry at them. But then she throws her hand over her mouth and collects the shoes, setting them neatly side by side against the wall. “Sorry,” I hear her mutter to her stilettos. I can’t help but laugh.
“Did you just apologize to your shoes?” The glass of champagne in the limo tipped her over the edge. My wife is silly, sassy, and sexy, and I’m eating up every second of it. Joy is a feeling. It’s warm and heavy. Most people say happiness makes you feel light. I disagree. For me, happiness is thick and heavy, working with gravity to make me feel secure and grounded.
“Well, Mr. Hessler, these shoes are so damn fancy and expensive, it’s quite possible they have real feelings.”
Following her, I slip out of my coat and toss it on the back of the living room sectional. Next, I loosen my bowtie then pull it over my head. I fling it over my shoulder playfully. “And how are you feeling right now?”
She pivots, waiting for me to catch up to her. Then, she’s working furiously at my shirt buttons. When my button-down is on the ground, she runs her hands over my chest and pecs like she’s blind and is trying to get a visual with her hands. I let out a low, growly moan, loving the sensation of her hands on my body.
“Does that feel good?” she asks.
“It does,” I say. “Try a little lower.”
Lennox smirks at me as she unbuttons my pants and pushes them down along with my boxers. She surveys my growing erection, then her eyes snap to mine. “I trust you,” she says, a little out of left field.
“Glad to hear it. Turn around.”
She lets me unhook her dress and pull the zipper down to the top curve of her ass. Carefully, she steps out of the gown and then drapes it on the back of the couch like it’s precious. I reach for her, trying to strip her naked so I can make love to her right on this couch, but she slips right out of my hands.
“Follow me, Mr. Hessler. There’s something I want to try.”
“Where are we going?” I ask, glancing down at my eager cock that really is not in the mood for any games. I just want to bury it into my sexy wife, then fall asleep with her in my arms.
“Bath,” Lennox says over her shoulder. I follow her through the living room, then the bedroom. She sheds her strapless bra as she walks, tossing it over her shoulder and right into my face. I laugh as I toss it aside, just in time for her underwear to hit me square in the chest.
“As much as I’m liking the moving strip show, how about you stand still so I can put my head between your thighs?” I smirk.
“Tempting,” she says, now completely naked. Her pert nipples look hard as diamonds, begging for attention. I bite the inside of my cheek when she bends over to reach under the bathroom cabinet, flashing me her swollen pussy from behind. It takes every ounce of restraint I have not to pin her against the countertop and have my way. Instead, I’m patient, wondering what the hell is her game?
She straightens up with a bottle of bath oil in her hand. It takes me a moment to understand what she’s suggesting.
“Really?” I ask, eyes wide. “Tonight?”
“I want to try everything with you, Dex.”
“You never have before?” I ask.
She shakes her head in reply, looking at me with eager eyes.
I blow out a deep breath. I don’t know about this. “Len, you’re drunk,” I say.
“I’ve been drinking. I’m not drunk.” She holds her arms out and spins around. “See?”
I chuckle. “Pretty sure a drunk person could do that.”
She narrows her light brown eyes. “Stop teasing. You’re my husband, and I want to give you this. A first for me. This is me, asking for what I want. Let’s just try it. If we hate it, we don’t have to do it again.”
I can assure her I won’t hate it. Unless it hurts her. That’d be more than enough to deter me further. An easy lie would be to tell her I’m not in the mood for anal, but my throbbing, hard cock gives me away. “Turn the water on, then.” I point to the tub.
After setting the oil on the ledge of the tub, she turns the hot water knob all the way, then the cold knob one rotation. She plugs the tub, then rises, nothing left to do. Crossing her arms, she covers her tits.
“Nuh-uh. Drop your arms. I want to see you. Every single inch of what’s mine.”
She does as I say but rubs her toes anxiously against the tile floor. She’s shivering, but between the heated floors and the steam coming off the hot running water, she can’t be cold. It’s all nerves. I quickly cross the room and pull her into my arms. “You don’t have to prove anything to me.” Reaching between our bodies, I run my finger against her slit, feeling her wetness. “This is more than enough to keep me a happy man forever.”
She nuzzles into my bare chest. “I’m not trying to prove anything. I just want you in every single way. I want sex to be our adventure. Likes and dislikes, yesses and no’s. We still have so much to learn about what being together means.” She grips the tip of my cock, massaging it in her small hand.
“Okay, bend over. Hands on the ledge.” She must think I’m going to take her from behind like this because she hunches over and grips the edge of the tub like she’s bracing for pain. Instead, I grab the oil, and drip it over her shoulders, down her back, then over her ass. I thoroughly coat between her ass cheeks, ensuring she’s drenched in oil, before I push my finger into her tightest hole. She shudders but pushes her hips backward, taking my finger deeper. After pumping my hand a few times, I add another finger. She blows out a deep breath as I grab the bottle of oil, recoating her and my hand.
“Fuck, Len. That’s so tight. How do you feel?”
“Full,” she groans. “It feels good.”
By now, the tub is filled enough. Pulling my fingers away, I climb into the bath, enjoying the feeling of hot water covering my feet and ankles. I help Lennox in. She stands, her back against my chest. Pinching her nipples one by one, I murmur in her ear. “We’ll go slow.”
“Okay,” she murmurs. “I can handle it.”
“I know you can, baby, but I want you to like it. So, follow my lead.” This time when I grab the oil, I coat my cock. Everything is soaked and warm. When I kneel in the tub, hips submerged underwater, I guide Lennox down on all fours. My tip touches her tight ring of muscle and at first, it seems impossible. I nudge against her, and she winces. Reaching around her hips, I play with her clit, flicking her sensitive spot until she tenses her thighs and her breath grows ragged.
“Good girl,” I growl into her ear. “Just like that. Feels good, doesn’t it? You’re so warm and wet for me baby. Just come. As hard as you want.” I flick my finger faster.
As if she knows what I’m trying to do, the moment she climaxes, she pushes her ass backward, sliding over my hard, slippery cock, letting me completely fill her ass. We both freeze when my balls bump against her sex.
Fucking sweet paradise. I have never felt anything like it. I’ve done this before, but not like this. Not with a woman I loved. Not with a body I reveled in like this. Lust mix with dirty, wanton, need. It’s fucking bliss.
“Oh hell, Dex. It’s…it’s…okay. Better than okay. I…” She slowly pulls away from me, then throws her hips backward once more. Raising up to just her knees, she tries to grasp the sides of the tub for leverage but can’t quite get a good grip. Despite her trying to brace herself, she lunges forward every time I push into her. Her ass is so damn tight, it’s hard to maneuver.
“You like it?” I ask. She nods fervently, making her long hair jostle in front of my face. I hold her hips steady. “Then relax, baby, let me do it. Stay still. Let me fuck you.” I grind my hips, sliding in deeper. In and out, her tight walls massaging me with pressure like I’ve never felt before. I won’t last like this.
“Yes. Like that. A little faster, Dex. Fuck, it feels good.” Reaching around, I grab her breasts as handles as I push into her with long, slow thrusts.
Goddammit, she feels so good. There’s so much pressure, it’s borderline painful, but just enough edge to be the most invigorating sensation I’ve ever felt. “I’m going to fill your ass, baby. Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” she rasps out. Plunging her hand in the water, she touches between her thighs, furiously rubbing her clit.
“That’s good. One more time. Come for me again before I fill you up. I love it when you take care of yourself. So sexy.”
I slow the pace down, curious about how it feels when Lennox comes with me buried balls deep in her ass. After another moment, she’s shaking, mewling with pleasure as she cries out loudly. “Yes, yes, so fucking good,” she whispers. “I love it.”
Tension brewing in my balls, I know I don’t have long. I come hard, filling her as promised. Breathless and not ready to leave her warmth, I playfully pat her ass. “Such a good girl.” When we’re both spent, she falls back into my chest, causing me to slip out. I kick my legs out on either side of her, so we’re now both seated on our asses, the water level barely rising above our hips.
I cup the warm water in my palm, trying to cover her shoulders. But it’s not enough to keep her from shivering. Lennox pokes her foot out of the water, turning the hot water handle with her toe. The warmth envelops us both. We soak for a while, nothing but the sound of our breathing and the occasional movement of the water. It’s the most at peace I’ve ever felt. It’s comparable to when I’m thirty meters below in the ocean, lost in a different world. With Lennox, I feel less like escaping. I want to be here. With her.
Lennox must get sleepy because she feels a little heavier as her body relaxes on top of mine. “Hmmm, I’m so tired,” she mumbles, “don’t let me drown in here.”
“Never.” I kiss the top of her head. “How do you feel?”
“Probably sore tomorrow,” she says with a weak laugh. “But tonight, I’m perfect. How was that for you?”
“Addicting,” I admit. “I love you, Lennox. So much.”
She lets out a sweet, low hum. “Thank you… I’m still saving mine. Moment’s not quite right.”
I chuckle softly. “Okay, then. Save it. Come on, let me put you to bed.”
She shakes her head, her damp hair dragging across my chest. “No, can’t move,” she mutters. “Let’s sleep here.”
“In the tub?”
She gripes and protests as I push her up by the shoulders so I can slip out from behind her. I grab two towels, then quickly dry myself off. Lennox scowls at me, still seated in the tub. “Come on, baby, all you have to do is stand. I’ll do the rest.” She rises excruciatingly slowly, making me laugh. Once she’s upright, I wrap the fresh towel around her, then scoop her up in my arms. She squeals when her feet leave the ground.
I carry my wife over the threshold between the bathroom to our bedroom and lay her gently on her side of the bed. I pull the towel from her body and wrap her in the sheet and comforter instead. As best I can, I dry her hair so her pillow isn’t drenched.noveldrama
“You take such good care of me. You must like me or something.” She flashes me a smart smile.
“Yeah, Trouble, you’re all right.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I think I’ll keep you.”
She laughs as I tuck in bed behind her, pulling her against my naked body.
I drift off, not dreaming of the ocean for once but dreaming of me and Lennox. It’s an oddly lucid dream, my brain trying to make sense of the context.
Lennox and I are sitting next to each other on a white-washed porch in black rocking chairs. We’re gray-haired and wrinkled, enjoying the warm breeze against our faces, staring out at our big family playing in the yard. The skyline in front of us is hazy. A mix of Vegas and Miami.
Lennox holds out her hand. I take it, our arms full of sunspots and discoloration, but our grip still strong. We hold each other tightly.
“I think now’s as good a time as any,” dream Lennox says. “I’ve been saving it for so long.”
“What’s that, dear?” I ask. “A good time for what?”
“I love you, Dex Hessler. There, you old kook, I finally said it.”
Our chairs rock in tandem as we laugh, still holding hands.
The rest of the dream goes blurry as I fall into a deeper sleep.
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