Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

420. Bought - Bonus Chapters I

*After a small break from Bought, while I was preparing other projects, I am finally able to work on the bonus chapters I promised - enjoy. PS the story of Erelah and Samael is not what I originally imagined, so this is a surprise for me as it is for everyone. but as always, I am letting the characters tell their stories.*


A thick blanket of snow covers the courtyard of the monastery.

Winter has always been my favorite time of the year. The cold never bothers me. Maybe because I was created during one of the biggest blizzards my world, Thulia, had ever faced. Tonight, the sky is unsurprisingly clear, the stars shining brightly.

When God created me, the number of stars was double what it was now. If not for Lailah, the librarian and astronomer of the monastery, I doubt I would have noticed the disappearance of the stars. She spends most of her time either observing the stars or with her nose in a book.

I love books, too, especially the ones with epic love stories, but I don't have as much time as Sister Lailah to read.noveldrama

There are many more important things that require my attention, like keeping the demons away from the Sacred Archives. God had created this monastery and the Warrior Nuns to protect the archives from...the rest of the Universe.

Only the Mother Superior-me is allowed to enter the archives. The entire history of God's creation is recorded on golden plates, which are sealed in books so no one can read them. I doubt anyone could read them even if the plates weren't sealed since they have been written in the first language spoken. Only the ancient archangels and demons speak it, and they refuse to teach it to anyone.

Only a few know of the existence of the archives, one of them is the strongest demon on Thulia, Zarall. He has always sought to steal them. He even insisted God entrusted him with the safekeeping of the archives.

Why the demons want to get their hands on them is something I'm trying to learn. When God used to visit the monastery to give me instructions, I asked him about Zarall, but he didn't reply.

The archives are not the only thing protected by the Warrior Nuns.

I haven't thought about it until now, but maybe the demons are not after the archives but after the Spear of Atonement.

The monastery was built over the grave of Jehova, the Son of God, who gave his life so that everything else could exist. God had created worlds many times before, each time being corrupted by a great evil, forcing him to wipe everything and start from scratch.

The vicious cycle kept repeating itself until Jehova decided to battle the great evil, the Leviathan. His mighty spear smashed the serpent's head just as the serpent bit his heel, thus killing Jehova.

The bones of the Leviathan have been scattered all over the Universe, guarded by four mighty horsemen.

The day the bones are reunited will be the beginning of the end, returning everything to its original state to nothingness.

This was recorded in the Sacred Archives. It's the only thing I was allowed to know.

It's been a long time since God visited the monastery. Since his last visit, my sisters and I have diligently performed our duties. We read, prayed, trained daily, and fought Zarall and his demons. During this time, only Sister Clarice was lost to us, her body too torn for me to heal it.

The snow crunched under Sister Amaliel's boots. After lifetimes of living with her and my other sisters, I've learned to recognize them from their footsteps. Sister Amaliel is one of the most gentle Warrior Nuns. Her talent doesn't reside in welding weapons but in keeping all of us calm in front of the enemy. More than that. Her power calms even the most enraged demon.

It's been a while since Zarall bothered us. He's planning something big.

Even after countless battles, I still get nervous. The demons won't stop until they get their hands on what they are looking for.

But if they are indeed looking for the Spear of Atonement, what for? From what I know, it can only be used by Jehova.

Sister Amaliel sits next to me on the stone bench.

"Something troubles you," she says.

She knows me as well as I know her.

"Many things. Like the demons being quiet, too quiet, and God's mysterious disappearance." For the first time since I became a Warrior Nun, I say, "Maybe it is time to talk to the demons and see what they really want." I expect her to contradict me, but when she doesn't say anything, I ask, "What do you think?"

Her gaze is fixed on the sky, on the same stars I am looking at.

"I think that something truly evil is approaching." My gaze rushes to her angelical face. Long, wavy, brown hair cascades all over her shoulders and back. There's a slight frown on her face. "The smell of Death is heavy on the air." It smells like winter to me. "Maybe the demons will attack again?" I try to make sense of her words.

Sister Amaliel stands. "What else could it be?" she says before going inside the monastery, leaving me alone in the courtyard.

My gaze returns to the sky. Snow starts to fall from the sky, big snowflakes landing on my face.

From the corner of my eyes, I see a falling star. A smile cracks on my face. It's been a while since I last saw one. My sisters and I have this silly thing of shouting out loud our biggest desires each time we see one. It's me out here right now, so I'm content with only watching the star fly across the sky.

Something changes in the trajectory of the shooting star. It's headed toward the forest surrounding the monastery. I jump to my feet.

Falling stars are usually meteorites. It's been a while since the last time we found one. The weapons made from meteorites are stronger than the ones made from the iron brought to us by the males working in the mines.

When the meteorite hits the ground, a loud sound reaches the monastery. I doubt any of my sisters heard it; the thick stone walls keep most sounds out. Even so, I wait for a few minutes just to be sure, but no one comes out. While I should let them know about the meteorite, there are moments when I want to be alone. Like right now.

I head over to the forest and search for the fallen meteorite.

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