Second Thoughts After Divorce

Chapter 9

Rose’s POV

1 fumble around with the rest of the papers in a hurry to gather them up.

My hands tremble desperately, as my mind repeats the words on the document over and over again, as I struggle to concentrate.

I move my arm over in a fiency, before I accidentally knock one of the Alphas photo frames off from his desk… It smashes on the floor at my feet, causing me to jump and curse myself for the clumsiness!

“Pull it together! I tell myself sternly….

I have to get a grip of my emotions! He doesn’t know that I’ve seen this! I shouldn’t be snooping through any of his things let alone reading his papers!

I place the papers in a neat pile, before moving to collect the shards of broken glass up from the floor.

I pick up the small black frame, turning it over to reveal a beautiful woman, one with long black hair and a bright smile. She seems to be around my age in the picture, happy and content as she stands amongst flowers in a field having her picture taken…

I handle the picture with care, r

removing it from the broken frame to avoid it becoming damaged… I hope the Alpha can forgive me for this!

For ruining his personal belongings…..

I lay the n

picture back on his desk, before collecting and sweeping up the last of the glass–placing it into a trash bag

I close my eyes and lean against the desk next, taking a moment to compose myself, inhaling and exhaling for air, in order to collect my thoughts…

“Rose what are you doing?” I instantly squeak in fright, my eyes snapping open at the lood, intrusive voice. I turn towards the door, only to find the one and only Alpha himself filling up its frame.

“Al–Alpha.” I attempt to speak, feeling guilty having read his documents and having smashed one of his frames….

Do I tell him or wait for him to notice? Maybe he won’t even notice? He’s a busy man after all… but that would be lying?

“Why are you wearing that horrendous rag again? Are the clothes I sent to you not up to your standard?” He poses, as my mouth opens scramble for words…..

opens and closes as I asi

“N–No not at all… they are too lovely! I didn’t want to ruin the nice dress by cleaning in it… I all but whisper, as his eyes pierce holes through me in interrogation. noveldrama

“I don’t like that rag. You won’t wear it again around here do you understand? I will send you some other stuff that you can use for cleaning…better quality to that itchy thing” The Alpha tells me in disgust, as I only nod, shuffling from foot to foot before him.

He eyes me steadily, his eyes zoning in on my fidgeting…

“What’s gotten into you? Why are you so nervous?” He addresses my evident awkwardness, as I try my hardest to avoid eye contact now….

“Are you worried that I might tell you you’ve done a bad job? Is that it? I just checked my room and it smells fucking incredible Rose, so you really don’t have to freak out so much you’ve done good.” The Alpha speaks highly of my work, before he fully saunters into the office- looking around – which only causes me to lense

If I hadn’t read the document or smashed a frame in here… I would have been ecstatic with the compliment he just gave me about his bedroom… but my brain couldn’t focus… not with him waltzing around now

“I haven’t finished in here yet. I mumble, as he smirks and tilts his head at me.

Perhaps he will leave me for a while longer to finish up this room, that way I can

way I can come up with a plan on how to tell him about what I’ve done?

“I’m not mad..” He pushes, eyeing me curiously to get to the bottom of why I was acting so strange all of a sudden.

“Not yet…” I find the whisper leaving my lips before I can stop it, as I slam a hand over my mouth, mortified that I had spoken aloud,

The Alpha squares up his shoulders, folding his arms tightly across his chest as I take in his full height – dominant and terrifying.

“Not yet? Tell me what you have done that will make me so mad then hmm?” He hums in amusement, as I blink profusely to hide my tears.

What if he banishes me for this?

I let my emotions get the better of me in here… I shouldn’t have smashed the damn frame in the first place if only I had been more careful and hadn’t

been so nosey!

“The truth Rose! Don’t talk shit to me – I know.” The Alpho pushes, as I feel a sweat build on my forehead.

I have to own up to my mistakes…

With that, I take a long inhale of air before…

“I read one of your documents by accident and then i accidentelly smashed one of your frame but i saved the pictures, don’t worry, it only needs an new frame so please don’t banish me, it was an accident!” I ramble in a sudden out burst, wanting the information to be out in the open and over with as quickly as possible.

I turn to the Alpha after finishing my panicked admission, as he stares straight at me emotionless.

*Repeat that again Hose and slow down!” He demands, seeming impatient now which causes me to close my eyes in dread – sucking in another breath

“I… was fixing your papers on the desk, and I accidentally read one of them. I didn’t mean to! It just jumped out at me and I really couldn’t help it! I wish now that I hadn’t trust me! I pick up speed in my words again towards the end, however judging by the furrow in his brows 1 think he understood

me this time….

“Which one exactly?” He grits, as I chew my lip in fear…

  1. I picked it up and seen

Derricks face…I recognised him and winded up reading the page… I then freaked out a little and got upset… I was overwhelmed, which made me clumsy…I wasn’t looking properly and I accidentally knocked off and smashed one of your photo frames… the one with the pretty girl in it! I avoid eye contact as I speak, pausing for air….

“I cleaned up the glass as best I could and I saved the picture and left it here on your desk – it’s thankfully not damaged but it does need a new frame- I’m an idiot! I’m so sorry Alpha! Pl–Please forgive me!” I find a tear trickling down my cheek by the end, followed by another, as the Alphas intense gaze drills holes into me as I speak.

Silence falls amongst us, as his eyes dart down to meet the photograph that now lay on the comer of his desk… an unknown emotion flashing across his eyes.

The clocks seem to turn in his mind, as he glares at it slightly, before shifting his eyes back up to glare at me

“Rose… My new found name leaves his lips like lor as I stiffen under his tone…

“Y–Yes Alpha?” I fumble with the button on my rags, petrified of what my fate may

may hold for me

for me now…

I’ve completely fucked up!

Go to your room and don’t come out.” He grits, his tone low and eerily calm, as I waste no time on dashing past him- towards the office door – finding my escape.

Was he sparing me my life?


1 dash down the corridor, slam my room door shut behind me, and begin to pace back and forth in a panic… breathing rapidly.

What have I done? Why did I look? He trusted me around his stuff and on the first day, I’ve already ruined that!

I wipe my wet cheeks and tighten my fists in sheer frustration at myself. I had done such a good job with his bedroom too and I just had to go and ruin it! I didn’t even get to clean his office properly either because I was so damn distracted!

I’m the worst!

I grab some fresh pyjamas, march into my bathroom, tum on the hot water and decide to take a long shower–hugging my knees and crying as the water crashes down on my skin.

What have I done…!

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