Loving Quinn Novel by North Rose

Chapter 74


After they took me back to a cell on Friday, my mind went crazy as I calmly sat on the ** stealing cot. How the hell did Quinn’s lawyer find that d**n nurse? I paid a lot of money to have the results of the original DNA test destroyed. Why was it still on record?

When I found out that Ethan was Logan’s father after he was born, I was in denial. In my mind, I always believed that Quinn was Logan’s father. It would work perfectly for what I planned on doing to him.

I told myself that so often that I even believed it. When Quinn petitioned the court for a DNA test and Ethan’s idiot brother confirmed the cheating, I was livid. That l***e s**t will get what is coming to him.

Just like Annora and Quinn.

I will make all of them pay for what they did to me. I know exactly what I will do to Quinn and his little b**h. It will be so worth it when I break them apart in the end.

Now here I am on Monday morning after spending the weekend in a cell. I am sitting in the back seat of my lover’s car. He answered the phone when I was forced to call him after Ethan didn’t show up to pick me up after they released me. That is a first, and I am beyond angry.

I will make him come to his senses when I get home on.

For now, however, I am making sure my lover is securely under my thumb. He parked his car and wasted no time pulling me into the backseat. Eager to have his way with me.

After removing my panties, I climb onto his already stiff **k. I move my hips fast over him as he pants in pl e. The interior of the car smells like sex and Liam’s woodsy cologne.

When he gives one last grunt of pleasure as he o**ms, I moan loudly for him, then give him a sultry look as I climb off his lap a few seconds later. I faked my or**ms just to get this over with. Men never know the difference.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue, Liam.”

“When are you going to leave your husband? We talked about this. You told me soon. Soon turned into a year. How much longer are you going to make me wait to have you all to myself?”

This argument again. Liam is my impatient lover. I keep him at a distance and dangle sex as a reward for good behavior. He falls for it every time. After adjusting my clothing, I turn to look at him with a sad look on my face.

Ethan is the devil in Liam’s eyes. Just like Quinn is for Ethan. I love it.

“Now that Ethan knows Logan is his son, I will need to do some damage control before I file for divorce. If I don’t, he may fight me in the divorce. I need to make him happy before I do anything else, or we won’t have the money I will get from him per our prenup.”

I have no intention of filing for divorce, but Liam is greedy, so talk of money always pacifies him. The sly smile he gives me proves I pushed the right button. He opens the car door, then steps outside. He pulls his pants up, drops the condom in the trash can on the floorboard, then gets back in the car.

“I want you to stay with me tonight. Go to Ethan tomorrow. Tell him you what he tried to do.”


space after

Liam’s blue eye are glittering with anger. I told him that Ethan tried to kill me in the courthouse after they read the DNA results. It pushed his hatred for Ethan to an even greater height. Which is exactly what I want.

If I am being honest with myself, Ethan’s actions shocked me. He never showed interest in Logan, so I always thought if he knew the boy was his, he wouldn’t care. The original DNA test coming out in court complicates my plans, but I am confidant I can spin it to a more favorable outcome.

I will just tell him I was so distraught after Logan was born that I don’t remember having the test done or the results. Tears will be needed. Ethan is a s**ker for tears.

“That is not a good idea, Liam. If I don’t go home, Ethan may take that as a bad sign. That can’t happen.”

Liam grumbles but nods his head.

“Then I guess you better go inside so you can shower. We wouldn’t want you to smell like me and sex when you go home to your husband.”

He says that last word with venom in his tone. It sends a delicious shiver down my spine that makes my p**y wet. I slide my hand up his inner thigh. I want him to f**k me while he is angry like this. Liam is a beast when he is angry.

“Join me in the shower. I want to feel that anger, baby.”

As I expected, Liam gives me a smile. He takes my hand in his, kisses my knuckles, then we both get out of the car. We walk into his modest little house. I love this place because it is so normal and plain looking. Nothing about Liam’s house stands out.

It is the perfect hiding place for him and all our secret trysts.

Two hours later, after being thoroughly f**d on every surface in the bathroom, I showered, dressed in some clothes that I stash at Liam’s house, then left him brooding over his coffee. Now I am in the back of a cab on my way home to my husband.

My dear volatile Ethan.

The first shock I get is at the gate to our home. There is now a guard in the security booth to the left of the gate. The thumb pad is gone as well. What the f**k is this **t? Is he locking me out of our home?

“Who are you here to see?” The guard asks.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. After rolling down the back passenger widow I stick my head out a bit for him to see me. His eyes flick down to something on his desk, then back up to mine. There is a grim expression on his face.

“Let me call up to the house. I will need permission to clear you.”

Permission? What the hell is happening here? Did Ethan grow a pair or is this his f**king brother’s idea?

“Lady, the longer I wait here with you, the more this is going to cost you. Are you getting out or not?” The cab driver asks me.

I want to slap the back of his bald head, but I just take a deep breath. Reaching into my wallet, I hand him his money, then step out of the cab. When I move towards the gate, the guard steps out of the small building.

“The owner will be down in a minute. He told me to make sure you stay right here.”

With a heavy sigh, I glance back at the cab as it backs down the driveway. I have a feeling that I will be calling another cab soon. That can’t happen. I raise my face to the sun, hold my eyes open to dry them out, then lower my head as I breathe rapidly.

Like magic, tears fall instantly. I let them streak down my face as I dramatically fall to my knees. The sobbing is next, and that is how I want him to find me. On my knees with my

head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

Ethan is a s**ker for tears.

When I hear the gate open, I let out a wail of a s**b and make sure my shoulders shudder with the full effect. As expected, it works like a charm. Ethan pulls me up off the ground, then wraps his arms around me as I continue to cry.

This time, my tears are real. I am angry at the situation and my mind is racing with how to spin the situation to a favorable outcome. Playing the victim is something I have become very good at. Men go crazy for tears and victims of other men’s b**it.

My husband proved that from the day I met him as one of my patients.

“Oh, Ethan, I didn’t know.”

He stiffens, then pulls away from me. For the first time in our relationship, there is disgust in his eyes. I let more tears fall as I watch his face.

“We will have this conversation inside.” He says.

There is anger in his voice that causes a sp**e of genuine fear runs down my spine. I have seen Ethan angry over the years, but I have never seen him this angry at me. We have had our fair share of fights, but if I cried, he would instantly soften. We would have sex and then life would go on.

For once, I don’t think that will work today.

I follow him through the gate, then up the driveway to the house. He opens the door, but instead of letting me walk in ahead of him like he normally does, he walks straight inside without waiting for me. This isn’t going the way I want it to.

How can I get him back on my side? Tears haven’t worked like normal. Trying to have sex with him to distract him is a bad idea right now. I could use Logan to get what I want, but I need to find out how Ethan is feeling about being his father first.

Well, I guess I better get inside to face the music.

Once I am inside, I walk through the foyer, then take a right into the living room. Ethan is standing at the bar with a glass of scotch in his hand. He glares at me over the rim of his glass as he downs the entire glass. What he does next scares the hell out of me.

He throws the crystal glass in my direction. It hits the doorframe behind me, sending shards of crystal everywhere. A piece hits the side of my necks as it ricochets off the doorframe. My hand goes up to my necks when I feel something wet slide down my skin.

“You knew the entire time that Logan is mine!” Ethan screams.

Now is the time to use the postpartum that I suffered in my favor. Yes, it was an awful time in my life, but I will use anything I can to get Ethan to forgive me. Manipulation is my drug of choice.

“Ethan, you know what I was like after Logan was born. I didn’t get out of bed for months. You were there with me.”

I fill my voice will all the sorrow that I felt back then. Quinn leaving me was not how things were supposed to go. Then finding out that I was pregnant again after the abortion rocked me to my core. When I recovered from that, I realized I could use the new pregnancy to my advantage this time.

The depression hit me hard after I gave birth. That is the one thing that was beyond my control. I was angry and depressed. I hated every second.

I smile inwardly when I see Ethan’s eyes soften. Taking my hand off my neck, I walk to the sofa, then take a seat. He watches my every move.

“Ethan, I don’t remember having that test done or what the results were. I was so out of my mind during that time. Do you really think I would let you believe another man was the father of your child?”

He has been wanting a baby of his own with me for so long. That isn’t possible since I have an IUD and take every precaution to prevent that from happening on my end. He loves having sex without a condom, so I keep a steady supply of Plan B in my office safe.

There is no way I am going through the experience of childbirth again if I can help it. That was the worst time of my life. With the truth coming out about Logan, maybe this will pacify Ethan’s desire for a baby of his own.

Logan is his.

Somewhere in the dark depths of my heart, the part where hope still lives, is happy that Ethan is Logan’s father. It is a tiny part of me I keep buried. Right now, I want to let that happiness be free.

I won’t because I am not an emotional person. Happiness and true love are a fairy tale. One that my mother used to tell me about, but even then, I knew she didn’t believe it either. Not with how her life turned out.

Turns out that I am just like my father. Cold, calculating, and manipulative to the bone.

Even if sometimes I wish I were not.

“Tell me the truth, Dionne. Did you always know that Logan was mine?”

“No. I honestly thought, based on the timing, that Quinn was his father. I am so sorry, Ethan. Please believe me.”noveldrama

I squeeze my eyes shut, then let a tear slip down my cheeks. When I open my eyes, Ethan is in front of me. His expression is soft as he pulls me into his arms. It is at that point he breaks down in tears. Full body wracking s***bs. (1)

“I treated my son like he was my enemy. No, worse. I didn’t treat him like he was nothing to me. I ignored the fact that he exists. How can I forgive myself for that?”

For once in my life, I am at a loss for words.

I want to say something comforting, but I just can’t think of what to say. Even I ignore Logan’s existence. If it weren’t for the nanny coming and going with him, I wouldn’t even know that a baby lived in our home. There is a scar on my stomach that reminds me every day that I have a child, but I have no love for the boy we created together.

Ethan pulls away after a few minutes, then he glances at me. His expression hardens as he looks over my attire. It is as if he just now realized I am not wearing the same clothes that

last Friday.

was wore to

“You didn’t come straight here after they released you. Where did you get the clean clothes?”

Ah, there is my jealous lover.

“I was in a holding cell with four other women. My clothes smelled horrible by the time they released me. So, I stopped by my favorite shop for new clothes then I went to the house I am trying to sell to shower the stink off me.”

For a second, it feels like Ethan doesn’t believe me, but then he leans forward to give me a soft kiss on the lips. He stands up, holds his hand out for me, then when I put my hand in his, he pulls me to my feet.

“It is time we spend time with our son as a family. Come on. He should wake up from his nap soon.”

Crisis averted, but now I must endure quality time as a family.

Time to plan my revenge for Quinn.

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