Just This Once (The Kings)

: Chapter 38

I didn’t know it was possible to feel so low. I’d checked, and rechecked, my phone for what felt like the millionth time, and there was still no contact from Emily.

How had things gotten so far off track so quickly?

After I drove off, it took only a minute to come to my senses. I’d circled back to beg for forgiveness for losing my temper, only to find her already gone. Worried, I drove past her apartment, and when I saw her safely climbing the stairs and entering, I decided I needed to give both of us a little space.

I spent the night staring up at my ceiling and replaying our argument over and over in my mind.

We both agreed it was just sex.noveldrama

I knew the moment she said those words that they were a challenge. She needed me to fight for her, and yet I was the stubborn prick whose feelings got hurt because I was scared she would leave. Instead of calmly talking with her and working out a plan, I got defensive and screamed in her face that I loved her.

Real smooth.

The next morning, still irritated and uneasy, I went in search of the only person I knew could set me right.

My knuckles rapped against the door to the Martin home, and I shifted in my boots. The front door pulled open, and Mrs. Martin smiled at me. “William. This is a pleasure.”

She widened the door and gestured for me to enter.

I stepped inside, tail tucked and shoulders slumped with shame. “Thank you, ma’am.”

Her laughter was gentle and quick. “Marilyn, please.”

I nodded and cleared my throat. “Is the chief in?”

A sly smile spread across her face. She tipped her chin toward the long hallway that split the center of the house. “He’s in his office.”

“Thank you.” I had turned to leave when her hand stopped me.

“Thank you.” My shoulders shifted to face Emily’s mother. She was beaming up at me. “Thank you for really seeing her and caring so deeply for her.”

Warmth pierced my rib cage, and I dragged a hand across my jaw. “I’m not sure it was much of a choice, if I’m being honest.” A soft chuckle rattled through me.

She patted my arm. “Even so. I couldn’t be happier.”

My throat went thick and tight. The implication that Mrs. Martin wouldn’t be upset, but rather happy Emily and I were together was overwhelming.

I have to fix this.

With a slight nod, I left Mrs. Martin in the kitchen and found the chief’s office at the end of the hallway. My knock was swift and sure.

“It’s open.”

I pushed through the doorway to find Chief Martin behind his desk, feet propped and reading a book. Despite the warm summer day, a sweater covered his shoulders, and his glasses were perched low on the end of his nose. His steely eyes met mine, and he closed his book.

My lips formed a flat line, and I dipped my chin. “Sir.”

A slow smile spread across Chief’s face as he tossed his reading glasses to the side. “Have a seat, son.”

His choice of words pierced my heart, and I settled into the plush chair across from his. My insides were tight, and my palms were already sweating.

“I was going to wait until I saw you at the station, but I suppose now is as good of a time as any.” His hand stretched across his desk. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

I shook his hand and looked him in the eye. “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.” His legs stretched beneath the desk. “I do want to get something clear, however.” His eyes were focused and intense. “You earned that position. It has nothing to do with any personal relationships you have outside of work nor any of my personal feelings toward you.”

A swell of pride tightened in my chest. Chief Martin was an honest man, and it meant a lot for him to have so much faith in me. “Again, thank you.” My knee bounced. “Though the job isn’t really why I came to speak with you.”

His laugh rumbled in his chest. “I didn’t think it was.” I searched his eyes, but there was nothing in them but kindness. The knot in my gut slowly unfurled.

“Uh . . .” I cleared my throat. “I’m not exactly sure how to start this.”

Chief shrugged and clasped his hands together. “From the beginning is usually a good place.”

My lips flattened. “Maybe, but in this case it’s probably best to start at the end. I’m in love with Emily.”

His eyebrows bounced up once. “Is that so?”

My jaw set. “Yes.” I had never been more certain of anything in my entire life. “Now, if we’re talking about the beginning, when we first met, I didn’t know Emily was your daughter—stepdaughter?” I looked to my mentor for help, but he only nodded for me to continue. “When I did find out, I want you to know that I took that information very seriously. I had no intention of continuing a relationship with her at that point.”

A chuckle filled the office. “And why the hell not?”

I blinked. “Oh, I—I guess I figured you would have an opinion about that . . .”

Chief Martin smiled. “I do, as any father would, but I also have faith in my daughter’s ability to make her own decisions regarding her personal life.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, but, come on.” I gestured at myself. “You know our type.”

“And what type is that, William?”

So he wasn’t going to make this easy after all.

I sat straighter in the chair. “Adrenaline junkies. Spouses who work long hours and chase the thrill. Cheaters. People not worth sticking around for.” Giving voice to my deep-rooted fears was draining. That last one was definitely considered more personal than a widely acknowledged trait of our profession.

The chair creaked as Chief sighed and sat backward with a shake of his head. “We do have a reputation.” He sighed again and continued: “But I’ve learned that any reputation can be wrong. Being a firefighter or cop or any position of power, for that matter, doesn’t make you a cheater. It only gives you more opportunities to do what you would have done anyway. Are you really going to sit there and tell me Lee Sullivan is going to step out on his woman? That Amanda Gates isn’t the fiercest, most loyal mother you know?” His face twisted. “Give me a break.”

I thought over the examples he provided. He was absolutely correct—Lee would never dream of cheating on Annie Crane, and I’d witnessed firsthand what it looked like when Amanda went into full-on mama bear mode.

“Maybe it’s me,” I finally admitted, unable to look my friend and mentor in the eye. “I love her, but she’s going to leave. It’s probably for the best, because I know I’m not worthy of a woman like her, but it hurts like hell, sir.”

“You’re a good man, William.” His voice was low and stern, and his words set my chest on fire. “Am I disappointed that you didn’t trust me enough to have a conversation with me, instead of sneaking around? Of course.”

Shame burned across my neck and down my spine. “I’m sorry, I—I was afraid.”

“Don’t even mention it.” His smile was back, and humor danced in his eyes.

“That’s it?” I was used to my own father holding things over our heads for years after any perceived slight. It felt wrong for Chief Martin to simply state his peace and move on.

“If you agree that, moving forward, we trust each other enough to have the hard conversations, then yes.”

A swell of emotion nearly stole my voice. I didn’t deserve the kindness and respect he was offering so freely. I grunted to clear my throat and stood. “Yes, sir.”

Chief Martin stood and rounded his desk. When he placed his palm in mine, he tugged me forward. Despite my height on him, his thick arms banded around me and held me in a tight embrace. My jaw flexed as I fought back tears.

He held me at arm’s length. “You’re a good man, and I never thought you for a fool, but that’s exactly what you are if you give up.”

“Thank you.” My rocky whisper left me feeling more vulnerable in his presence than I could ever recall. “I won’t.”

His hand slapped my back as he released me. “No thanks necessary. Just know that I told Emily I would dispose of your body if you ever hurt her. I kind of like you, William. Please don’t make me a murderer.”

I grinned. “I’ll do my best, sir.”

His hand slapped my shoulder. “Good enough.” He jerked his head toward the door. “Now go on and find her. Marilyn said she’s been moping around town all day.”

Excitement raced through me as a thought bloomed in my mind. I needed to move—and fast—if I was going to pull it off. I turned toward the door, but before exiting, turned again and said, “Do you think you could keep her occupied for the rest of the day? I have an idea, but I need some time.”

A conspirator’s smile twitched the corner of his mouth. “I’ll see what I can do.”

A thrill I’d never known rippled through me. If I could pull it off, I’d prove to Emily just how much she belonged in our small town.

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