His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter 46


After Doctor Ronald left, I went back to the kitchen to help Amy with lunch. When I walked in, she and Abi had a batch of cookie dough they were rolling out together. Abi was making herself a mess but clearly having fun. The new helpers were busy prepping lunch.

“What was that about?” she asked as I walked over.

“Nothing really. Just some questions about my… condition,” I said. I did not want to broadcast my lack of wolf to the pack members currently running around the inn. Amy nodded her head. “How can I help?”

“Well, I think everything is pretty much covered in here. Maybe Lemon could use help upfront?”

I shook my head. “Nope, she is all set right now.”

“Then go get some sleep! You look awful. I’ll send a plate of food back later.”

I sighed. “Okay. I guess. Let me just run up and check something at the desk, and I will take a break.” She nodded at me. I went up to the front to double-check that Lemon had everything under control.

When I walked out front, I saw Kol standing at the desk and couldn’t miss Lemon’s desperate flirting. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to them.

“Well, good afternoon, little flower,” Kol said with a large smile as he noticed me. Lemon shot me a dangerous look.

“Good afternoon, Kol. Is there something I can help you with?” I asked nicely.

“Wait, you know him?” Lemon said, completely ignoring the fact that she was at work.

“Not really-”

“Kind of-” we both started at the same time. Kol chuckled. Then continued, “Not really, but Miss Azalea over here has been a wonderful help since my check-in.”

“Well, is there anything I can do for you before I take off for the day?” I asked, looking between him and Lemon.

“Oh no, I think Miss Lemon has me all covered. Taking off for the day?” he said curiously.

“Yea. I am going to head home for now.”

“No chance that you might want to have a cup of coffee with me?” he asked with a smirk.

“I don’t think that is such a good idea,” came another voice from behind Kol. He turned to reveal John standing there with a dead look in his eyes. For a split second, I thought Kol’s eyes flashed black.

“Okay, Lemon, if you have everything handled, I am just going to….” I trailed off, backing away from the desk. I left John and Kol in whatever strange standoff they were having. Did they know each other? How could they, though?

I went out the back door and headed to my little apartment. I pulled my sweater around me tighter as I walked through the yard. It was getting colder every day.

“Miss Lea, wait!” someone shouted behind me. I turned around to see John running toward me.

“Hi, John. How are you?” I asked him. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms for warmth as the wind blew around us.

“You left me hanging yesterday. I was just checking that you were okay.”

“Oh, yea. It was an old friend. Nothing to worry about.”

“You never really talk about many friends, Miss Lea.”

I laughed nervously. “I guess I don’t. Well, was there anything else? It is a bit chilly out…” I trailed off.

“Just one more thing. How well do you know that guy from the lobby?” he said with a stern look in his eyes.

Worry took over me. “I don’t. He just checked in a couple of days ago, and I have helped him a few times, but I don’t know him.” John’s concern was confusing.

“Right. Okay. Well, I will see you later,” he said and turned around to walk away. I shrugged off his odd question and went to my apartment. I decided it was time to pull my space heater out as I entered my cold apartment. It didn’t have a great heating system, so I spent a lot of time in the winter up at the inn.

I pulled it out of my closet, and within a couple of minutes, warm air was blasting from it. I stood next to it warming my hands. Once I had warmed up a bit, I went to my kitchenette and started the tea kettle. Right after I poured my tea, my cell phone dinged. I went over to where I had left it on my desk to see who it was. It was a message from Liam. I sighed heavily.

With everything that Lily had told me, I could not ignore him forever. But I was not ready to face him. I was not sure I would ever be prepared to face him and what happened. A part of me knew it wasn’t entirely his fault, but it doesn’t change what happened.

I opened the message and read:


| Azalea, we need to talk. I can never tell you enough how sorry I am, but it is very important that we speak. Can I come see you?

Well, he was not yelling or growling at me. I guess that was a step in the right direction. I sipped my tea as I contemplated returning his message. Could I face him?

A knock at my door broke me from my thoughts. I sure was popular lately. Walking to the door, I called, “Who is it?” No one answered as I opened the door. There was no one outside; that was odd. I looked around for a sign of anyone near my apartment but saw nothing. A chill swept over me. I turned to go back inside and close the door when something struck me in the back of the head. I fell to the ground as blackness swept over me.


I waited an hour for a reply to my message before calling her phone; I had a headache which was not helping the whole situation. There was no answer. It rang until it went to voicemail; I hung up and tried again five minutes later. Still no answer.

“Azalea, we really need to talk. I know you probably want to pretend I don’t exist right now, and I deserve it. But I need to see you. I am coming to the inn,” I said into her voicemail. I could not put this off much longer. I knew that this hunter would be making a move soon. They had teased and taunted me for far too long. Azalea was practically alone and unguarded. This hunter would be an i***t not to go after her now.

I got up from my desk. I needed to change, check with Damien and Gwen, then I could go to her. I went up to my room, grabbing a quick shower and a fresh pair of clothes. Grabbing a jacket along with my keys, wallet, and phone, I left the room and headed to Damien’s office. I knocked on his door when I arrived.

“Yea?” I heard his voice call.

“It’s me,” I said as I opened the door. He gave me a curt nod. “I am going over to the human town to speak with Azalea. I will try and bring her here so she can be protected.”

“Good. I have a couple of plans on luring the hunter out.”

“Let me hear them.”

“You won’t like any of them, and they all differ depending on the situation with Azalea. We can discuss this when she has made a decision.” I nodded my head in understanding.

“We will not be putting her life in danger, Damien.”

“It already was the moment you rejected her, Liam.” I turned to walk out of his office. I knew we would be okay, but for right now, he was angry with me, and I needed to let him be.

I left his office and headed toward the small clinic off the packhouse. I know Gwen was moved there to recover now that her major injuries were taken care of. Walking in, the receptionist smiled warmly at me. “I am here to see Gweneth Hale,” I said shortly. She nodded and stood up to lead me to a room.

As I entered, I saw Gwen sitting up in bed. One of her arms was in a sling, and a leg was in a cast. Her face had some bruising and cuts that now looked red and puffy, as if they were almost healed. She was scrolling through her phone, but otherwise, she looked fine. I cleared my throat. Her eyes shot to me, giving me a dangerous look.

“Don’t give me your attitude, Gwen,” I started.

“I almost died, Liam! All because of that stupid little girl!” she whined.

I growled. “You will not speak like that about her, Gwen. She is your future Luna, and you will show her respect. Let’s not forget about the circumstances leading you to be where you were when you were attacked.” She pouted, looking away from me. “We both know an attempt to hurt your Luna is punishable by death or expulsion from the pack-”

“She isn’t my Luna! You are not mated, and she has not been accepted by the pack!”

Once again, I growled at her disrespect. “It does not matter. She is my mate and will be Luna.” I paused, collecting myself. “I will be nice this once. Your injuries are punishment enough for your actions seeing as you caused no harm, and Azalea is unaware of your attempt. But heed my warning Gwen – you will not lay a finger on Azalea Simmons. You will not harm her in any way. When is no concern of yours, but she will be Luna of this pack, and you will respect her as such. Or you can leave.” I stared into her eyes with a grim look on my face. I wanted her to know I was serious.

“But Liam, we should be mates!”

“No!” I roared. “We have been over this, Gwen. We are not now and never will be mates. I love Azalea, and nothing will change that. You need to move on, Gwen.” With that, I turned around and stalked from the room. She has been warned and will receive no other warning. As I walked towards the clinic’s entrance, Declan came through the doors. He stopped as he saw me.

“Liam, do you have a moment?” he asked, catching my eye. I nodded. I walked out the front doors and stood to the side of the entrance to give us a bit of privacy.

“How can I help you, Declan?” I asked in a flat tone.

“I want to apologize to you. I was wrong this morning. I was unaware of my daughter’s intent and blamed you for her mistakes,” he said solemnly. I knew it was not easy for him to apologize to me like this.

“It is fine. I am sorry that she got in the middle of my mess. It was never my intent for anyone to get hurt.”

He nodded. “Once she is recovered, her mother and I will be sending her to her mother’s family outside pack life. I have failed my daughter in her upbringing, and I think some new circumstances might change things.”

“Do whatever you see fit. She will receive no further punishment from me. But she has been warned never to hurt my mate or attempt to again. I am sure you can understand the severity of her actions.”

He nodded. I turned to walk away. “Liam,” he said, and I stopped but didn’t turn to face him. “There are things you should know about your mate, and I don’t think your father should be the one to tell you. I never approved of how he handled her situation but could not do anything as Beta. You are doing a good job as Alpha despite your father’s influence. My wife and I will accept her as our Luna. If you need help with anything, please call.”

“Thanks, Mr. Hale,” I said and walked away. I wanted to know what he had to say about Azalea and her parents but right now, going to her and convincing her to come back was more important.

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