His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter 42


Lily came into my office. Damien was still hovering as I paced back and forth behind my desk, seething. We were mated, and she was running into the arms of that stalker at the inn. Did she feel nothing? My rage was making me irrationally angry, but I didn’t care.

“So?” I asked expectantly.

“She said she was just having lunch with a customer. I don’t think your little growling, wolf-out moment on the phone with her helped the situation,” she said calmly.

“Yea, Vanessa said that it looked like she had a panic attack and ran outside when she hung up on you,” Damien added.


“Look, I am going to go up there and explain everything. Maybe I can calm her down, but I am not going to force her to come to you, Liam. I don’t know how but you will have to fix this. You hurt Azalea worse than anyone ever has,” Lily said, holding my gaze. She was probably the only she-wolf in the pack that would when I was angry like this.

“She won’t answer her phone or reply to my messages. How the hell am I supposed to do anything if she refuses to speak to me?” I shouted at them. Lily shook her head, giving me a sad look.

“Liam, you feel the bond stronger than she does. You feel her hurt, and you are hurt. You need to get yourself in check. You need to give her time. Even if being separated hurts you, you must give her space,” Lily said solemnly. She turned around and left my office, shooting Damien a look that meant he should follow.

I sat down feeling less angry but more defeated now. I put my head in my hands. Damien left my office without a word. I knew he was still mad at me but had at least stopped me from shifting and running straight to the inn to rip John’s head off.

“Why the f**k did you do this to us?” I said to Gavin. I got no response.


It was about fifteen minutes before Lily was supposed to meet me. I made my way from my apartment up to the inn. I sighed as I walked into the lobby going behind the desk. The she-wolf behind the desk gave me a tight smile as I grabbed the stack of check-out papers for the next day and began skimming them. I was trying my best to ignore the other wolves here, hoping Damien would have them gone soon.

The bell over the front door rang. I looked up to see Lily walking in. I gave her a tight smile, walking around the desk to greet her. She immediately pulled me into a tight hug. A tear slipped down my cheek as I let her hold me.

She pulled away, asking, “Are you okay?” with concern in her voice. I nodded, dashing the tear from my cheek. “So, where do you want to talk?” she asked.

“Let’s get out of here. Too many eyes on me,” I said, motioning towards the door. We walked down the drive, and she pulled her keys out of her pocket.

“No, no. I don’t do cars. It isn’t far from here to the cafe, and it will be dead this time of day. Let’s just walk,” I said. She nodded. We walked in silence to the same cafe Liam and I had gone to on our date.

We sat down at a table; a waitress came over and took our order. Lily looked at me nervously after she left. I sighed. “What do you need to tell me, Lily? I really don’t think it will change anything,” I said.

“First, you should know that Damien and I are so mad at him right now. Damien is barely speaking to him, and he is beating himself up about not stopping it,” she said. I shifted in my seat, pulling my sleeves further down my wrists. Lily’s eyes dropped to them. “Liam is killing himself as well. He is locked in his office day and night; he isn’t eating, barely sleeping. I don’t think he has ever done anything he felt so ashamed of as this.” Her eyes searched mine for something. All I could do was give her a slight nod.

The waitress came back over with our coffees. I pulled mine to me, sipping the piping hot liquid, trying to warm the frozen hole in my body. Lily continued, “So there are two things I think you should know. First, about the mating. I know you didn’t have a mom and aren’t the average werewolf, but I am sure some will affect you. When two wolves mate, their connection becomes more permanent even if the female is not marked. Rejection can still happen, but it is more likely to kill the pair than before mating.” She paused, sipping her coffee. I sat completely still, not wanting to believe what she was saying. “After wolves mate, they are supposed to be able to feel each other wherever they are. They also become reliant on each other. If they are separated too long, it can affect the wolf in a number of ways: make them weaker, lessen their senses, cause pain, emotional instability. It sort of depends on the wolf. I do not know what you are feeling, but Liam is feeling the effects.”

I sat there a little shocked. “Does this mean… I can’t… I have to…” I whispered, unable to finish the sentence.

“I don’t know what this means. Honestly, I am so conflicted. What happened… should have never, ever happened. But Liam was not in control. Gavin went nuts, and I don’t think he has spoken to Liam since. The Liam I know…” she stopped for a moment before continuing her thought. “The Liam I know is fair and just. He is considerate and kind at heart. He is firm, tough, and reliable but also merciful. Learning about you has put together so many pieces in place for me. Azalea, he yearned for you for years. He wouldn’t admit it or blame anyone for his misstep. He played his part and looked for a mate he knew he would not get because he didn’t deserve her. I have never seen him so jubilant and free as he was at the lake house with you. Even when you weren’t looking, his eyes were on you. I could see how much he cared about you from the moment he came upstairs to get you after that first wave of heat died down. I know he would never even consider hurting you like that.”

Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes now. I wasn’t ready to talk about any of this and wasn’t ready to forgive Liam either. We were connected now, and I couldn’t reject him, and even Lily couldn’t be all the way mad at him. My hands were shaking around my coffee cup. Lily reached forward, grabbing my hand.

“I am not telling you to forgive him. I just want you to understand everything…” she said. I sniffled. “What’s wrong?” she asked quietly.

My l*p quivered. “I fell in love with him, Lily. I let myself fall in love with him….”

“Oh, sweetheart…” she said. She rubbed my hand comfortingly. We sat there quietly for a few moments.

“There is something else you should know,” she finally said. Worry was etched across her face. “The thing we were keeping from you… There was another threat.”

My eyes grew big. Fear started to wash over me. Lily continued, “None of us wanted to tell you and worry you more. With everything going on… you were having a rough enough time without threats to you and Liam.”

“What… who…” I tried to ask.

“We don’t know, but we suspect it is the hunter. We know there was a note left for you and one for Liam before we arrived,” she said.

“One for Liam?” I was confused.

“He didn’t tell you?”

I shook my head.

“That man,” she said, rolling her eyes. “When Gavin came forward and scared you that first night? Liam found a note on the doorstep. Whoever it was knew that you two were there. Now we cannot tell if this hunter is after you to get to Liam or after both of you….”

“Both of us?”

“The note we got that night suggests he wants Liam out of the way so he can have you.”

I paled at her words. “Why would he want me? I am nothing….”

“We don’t know. But I think you being away from where we can keep you safe is making all of this worse for Liam. It’s just compounding on all the things he is feeling.”

My heart clenched. “Lily, please, you can’t make me go to the packhouse….” I begged in a whisper.

She shook her head. “Azalea, I won’t make you, but I won’t lie to you. We are worried about you out here. Damien told me you wanted him to remove the other pack members, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

I considered her words for a minute. I did not want to go to the packhouse, but if keeping the other wolves at the inn meant that Liam would stay away, I could manage it for now. “If Liam promises to stay away, the pack members can stay,” I concluded.

She smiled at me, obviously a little relieved at my compromise. I looked out the window, trying to make sense of everything in my head. Lily had dropped a lot of information all at once. It was overwhelming on top of my current situation with Liam. I really missed Amy at that moment and wished I could tell her about everything.

Lily broke me from my reverie. “How about we head back? You look like you could use some sleep,” she said, standing up and placing some money on the table. I nodded and followed her lead. The walk back to the inn was silent. Lily left me on the front steps, and I waved to her as she went to her car and pulled out of the lot. My chest hurt a little as she left, and I was alone again.

Walking back inside, I went to the front desk to ensure there were no messages. Dinner service was over, and they would be done in the kitchen by now. After Lily and I’s conversation, I wasn’t hungry, so it didn’t bother me much.

“Just the flower I was looking for,” said a deep voice, startling me. I jumped, looking up at Kol on the other side of the desk. He chuckled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You are a bit jumpy,” he said with a smile.

“Not always. What can I help you with?” I asked.

“I was hoping you might be able to help me. See, I got back too late for dinner, and that other restaurant in town seems to be closed for the owner’s birthday or something,” he said.

“Oh, yea. They close down occasionally as they are a family-run business. Um, I can probably help you out. I must warn you, though, I am not a great cook. I usually stick to baking.”

“Anything will do. I appreciate the help,” he said.

“Alright, um, come on back to the kitchen with me. I am sure we can find something.” I said, motioning him to follow me. Kol followed me to the kitchen. “So, uh, anything in particular?” I asked.

“I can eat anything,” he said.

I nodded. I went to the fridge to see what was in there. It seemed like there were some things leftover from today or yesterday. I started pulling out dishes that I could heat for him. “We can whip up any of this, so choose whatever,” I said, setting the dishes on the prep table.

“Well, what would you like to have? I saw you walking in just before me,” he said. I looked up at him, confused. “I wasn’t following you or anything!” he exclaimed.

I laughed. “No, not that. I just … never mind. I am not too hungry, actually.”

“How is Cinderella supposed to work the night away on an empty stomach?” he joked.

I giggled. “You are very sweet.”

He smiled at me. “Not as sweet as the scent of a beautiful flower,” he said.

My eyes grew wide, and my cheeks blushed. “Kol… I uh… I’m not….”

“So, there is a guy. I guess this isn’t fate after all…” he said with a chuckle. “I am only playing, Azalea. You just seem like a wonderful girl to be stuck in this tiny little town.”

“Well, this is home… so, um, how about this?” I said, holding up what looked like a chicken alfredo casserole. He nodded. I set to work warming it up and getting him a plate. I handed him a plate and some utensils.

“You can just leave the plate in the sink. I can clean it up tomorrow. I am not feeling great, so I am going to bed. Call the line if you need anything else,” I said.

He nodded. “Thanks for dinner; maybe next time you’ll join me?” he said with a smirk.

“Maybe,” I said, turning to leave.noveldrama

“Good night, little flower,” he said as I exited the kitchen.

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