Her Undeniable Temptation

Part 20

“What’s wrong?” Zoe asked Luke, pulling her hands from his neck and staring into his eyes. ”Zoe, I’m supposed to take the guys home.” he said with a smirk. ”Home?” Zoe asked, feeling very upset.

”They could have driven themselves if they weren’t drunk, I was assigned as the driver for the night.” Luke explained. She glared at the table where his drunk friends looked wasted. “I’m so sorry Zoe! I promise to be back soon.” He said but she just stared at him wishing he could just stay.

“They are drunk and absolutely can’t drive Zoe,” Luke said, yet again. He was absolutely right. He gave her a goodbye k**s on the cheeks before taking his friends out of the hall.

She stood in the middle of the dancehall contemplating whether to just go home when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Alex smiling at her. ”Could I have this dance?” He asked, holding out his hand.

Zoe couldn’t help but laugh at the outrageous rope he had on his waist. ”Sure,” she replied. A slow song was playing already. She had no idea of what to do, his chest was bare.

Was she supposed to wrap her hands around his neck? I mean his bare naked neck? Oh, God. ”Let me help you.” Alex said, taking her hands and putting them on his neck while he put his hand on her h**s.

This hadn’t been a big deal when Luke had done it, I mean it was comfortable and natural but Alex was a different story. His hands on her h**s brought back memories of the party like it just happened yesterday.

Touching his bare skin was making her legs shaky. She felt hot and other things as well. She was lucky she wasn’t hyperventilating! They moved slowly around the dance hall.

Alex kept smiling at her while she was looking elsewhere so he didn’t see that she was blushing damn hard. ”So, why did your date leave?” Alex asked casually.

”His friends needed a driver,” She said, feeling proud of Luke. ”Right, I’m sorry about my friend earlier, he gets to be a handful when he is drunk.” Alex said, shaking his head.

”It’s fine, I just didn’t want Luke fighting with anyone, and thanks for stepping in.” she said before glancing up at him. He looked down at her and smirked. Zoe thinks she frickin ‘got butterflies in my belly again, ”Is it me who just finds it funny that you came here with a sheriff and ended up with a Mexican head?” He asked and gave her one of those gorgeous smiles.

Zoe’s heart gave a thump which made her look away. Bella was making her way through the crowd in their direction, she hadn’t seen Alex yet.noveldrama

Zoe quickly dropped her hand and stepped away from him. “what did I do?” Alex asked, sounding a bit hurt but Bella got to them before Zoe could answer.

”Hey Zoe, having fun? Oh, hello Alex?” She said looking surprised. ”Hey Bella, I was just telling Zoe how this place looks great, good job.” He said giving her one of his half-smiles instead.

That hurt, she blushed with so much pleasure. ”Would you by any chance like to dance?” She asked him, completely forgetting my existence. ”Oh sure, why not?” Alex said taking Zoe off guard. He stared at her with one look before taking Bella’s hand.

Zoe immediately left the dance hall. She didn’t need to watch Bella and Alex dancing while Bella’s hands were all over his bare body. She was so done with parties and dancing! screw Alex.

She was done with him too.


The Halloween dance had left Zoe feeling like crap. It was the next day on Halloween morning, she was laying in bed trying to forget the whole thing that had happened yesterday.

She rolled over and stuck her face inside her pillow. First, Luke leaves her there to be with his friend’s personal driver, then Alex drops her off for Bella. Unfortunately, she was more upset about what happened secondly.

Bella had been calling her throughout the night, Zoe guessed she was going to tell her about how fantastic her night went. Zoe didn’t know why but she just didn’t want to answer. If she had answered the call. She knew she was going to be very nasty with Bella.

Ugh, how she hates being angry with her friend, especially when she doesn’t even have the slightest idea of why she was this angry. Luke wasn’t at home, he had slept over at his friend’s place.

Mum and dad had gone out too. Meanwhile, she was on her bed wishing that she could redo the past two months. It was almost noon when she left her bed. Laying on the bed was depressing and she needed to pee.

She went downstairs and chilled on the sofa watching Spongebob, she stayed on the sofa probably wasting the day off.

A knock came from the door. She stood up to open it, maybe it was Luke or her mum and dad who came back. She opened the door to see Alex standing on the porch! She stared at him, totally surprised. ”What are you doing in my house?” She asked rudely not minding how it sounded.

Seeing his handsome face made her feel hurt. Zoe knew she had no right to feel that way, he’s not even her boyfriend but he still frowned at her tone. “I asked Bella about your address! I told her I needed to talk to you and funny enough we live quite close to each other.” Alex said.

“Bella!” She said under her breath.

Of course, she was really pissed right now. Zoe wondered if they talked about her. ”So can I come inside?” Alex asked when I didn’t say anything.

”No!” Zoe said simply.

He sighed before talking, ”Okay Zoe, something is absolutely wrong. So why don’t you tell me instead of glaring at me? Why don’t you tell me what it is?” Alex said looking disappointed that she didn’t let him in.

”I just don’t want to talk to you Alex or see you for that matter. if you would just leave, I would be a lot happier.“ She said, aiming to close the door but he set his foot by the door before she fully closed it.

”I’m not leaving until I know what exactly I did to piss you off like this.” Alex said with a bit of impatience in his voice.

Zoe chewed on the inside of her cheek not meeting his eyes. What could she possibly say? That her friend likes him and that she thinks he might like her back or was she to say seeing his arms around Bella’s neck made her sick?

Lately, Zoe wished she and Luke hadn’t been dating for two months so she could be with Alex! Notwithstanding the wet dreams, she had these couple of days.

Oh, men, this sucked.

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