Devious Vow: A Dark Enemies To Lovers Mafia Romance

Devious Vow: Chapter 36

When life turns surreal, waking moments become a dream-state. As if nothing you’re experiencing is real, because it can’t be.

I can’t be in one of Massimo’s torture rooms deep in a basement who-knows-where.

Alistair can’t be slowly bleeding out from the bullet wound in his side, which is frankly a lot worse than I told him.

Gabriel can’t be lying on the floor across from me looking like he’s been beaten to within an inch of his life.

And above all else, we can’t all be in a circle playing Russian fucking Roulette with Massimo.

Yet, here we are.

Reality has left the building.

I watch numbly as Alistair takes the gun from Massimo. When Alistair’s fingers close around it, I almost want to scream to Alistair to just shoot the psychopath already.

But we all know what happens if he does. Even if Alistair manages to kill the kingpin, Massimo’s guards come charging in, and the rest of us die quick deaths here in this hole.

Slowly, Alistair glances at me, his fingers wrapped tight around the stock of the revolver.

“Your turn, counselor,” Massimo grins.

He’s got that same look in his eye I’ve seen him get when one of his girls pleads with him to stop, or slow down, and he just starts to go even harder, because inflicting suffering is what excites him.

He’s enjoying this game.

Alistair glances at his brother on the ground. Then at me. His jaw grinds before his gaze drags back to Massimo.

“You’re right,” he says calmly. “It is my turn.”

My eyes bulge as he raises the gun, points it right at Massimo, and squeezes the trigger. Massimo and I flinch.

Nothing happens. Nothing aside from a sharp, metallic click echoing through the room.

I unclench my eyes just before Massimo does. I stare at Alistair, my breath coming quickly.

Massimo grins as Alistair gives him a hard, cold smile.

“That is for pointing a gun at me that night at Venom, you psychopathic piece of shit.”

Massimo chuckles quietly. “Touché, brother. Touché.”

“We’re not brothers,” Alistair insists coldly.

“Our genetics say otherwise,” Massimo shrugs, “but whatever. Potayto, potahto. Your turn.”

A chill rakes its nails down my back. “He… He just went!”

“Trying to shoot me doesn’t fucking count,” Massimo snaps tersely. “Your turn, Alistair.”

My pulse starts racing faster, my chest rising and falling rapidly with every breath as I turn to Alistair.


I shudder as he spins the revolver wheel, his eyes locked on Massimo as he snaps it shut. His nostrils flare, and he points the barrel at his own temple.

Oh God…

His eyes shift to mine, holding my gaze steadily as he takes a deep breath.

“For fuck’s sake!” Massimo grunts. “Just fucking⁠—”

I choke back a scream as the gun dry fires with a loud click. My pulse is pounding so hard, I wonder if I might have a heart attack before I or anyone else dies of a gunshot wound.

Massimo smirks. “Well done, brother.” He turns to grin at me, his eyes full of malice. “Your turn, wife.”

Alistair’s mouth is a thin line as he hands me the gun. I shiver when I take it from him, hefting it in my hands.

It’s a lot heavier than I thought it would be.

“You’ve never shot one before, have you?” Massimo asks.

My throat bobs as I shake my head.

“Well, lucky for you, it’s easy. Point the business end at something you want to kill, squeeze the trigger, and try not to sneeze. Think you can manage that?”

I swallow again as I nod quickly. My pulse is roaring in my ears as I turn to stare at Alistair with wide, horrified eyes.

“Do it,” Massimo snarls.

I raise the gun to my head, my vision dotting from the way I’m hyperventilating. My eyes are locked with Alistair’s as I clench my jaw.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“I love you, too…”

My eyes close. I take a deep breath and hold it as every muscle in my body tenses.

My finger squeezes.


“Holy fucking shit,” I sputter, sucking in air. I’m shaking as I shove the gun at Massimo, desperate to get the thing away from me.

The Carveli king hoots loudly. “Fuck me, this is good!” he blurts gleefully, like he’s getting off on this. His eyes dart around the room with a crazed look in them. Then he takes a deep breath, spins the wheel, locks it, and jams the barrel against his temple.

“Carpe fucking diem,” he hisses.


Massimo exhales in a whoosh, his eyes positively dancing.

“FUCK,” he yells, grinning like a madman. His eyes snap across to Alistair. “Fuck me sideways, counselor,” he pants. “What a fucking rush! Fucking hell, I wish I’d played this years ago!”

“We all do,” Alistair growls, glaring at Massimo.

The Italian chuckles as he shakes out his arms. Then he spins the wheel again, locks it, and aims it at Gabriel, lying on the ground.

“Given that he’s still choosing to nap during what could be the most thrilling fucking moment of his life…” Massimo hisses gleefully.

My breath sucks in sharply.

“Say cheese.”


Holy fuck.

Massimo crows in excitement, bouncing up and down as he hands the gun to Alistair.

“Don’t stop!” he barks. “Keep going! Fuck me, I could come from this shit!”

Alistair glares pure hate at him. Then his eyes swivel to mine as he locks the wheel and puts the gun to his head.


I flinch, barely biting back a sob as my nerves begin to shatter.

“Your turn,” Alistair says quietly, not even blinking as he presses the heavy gun into my hands. “Almost over,” he murmurs.

Massimo snorts. “Oh, I second that. I can feel it!” He shoots me a venomous look. “Might even be you, wife. Do it.”

Every nerve in my body is frayed, laid bare, and about to snap as I press the cold metal to my temple and squeeze my eyes shut.


A sob wrenches from my chest and I start to cry as Massimo hoots with laughter and plucks the gun from my fingers.

His is another dry fire.

So is the one for Gabriel.

“Holy fuck, I am so hard right now!” Massimo blurts. The look in his eyes is completely unhinged as he stares across at Alistair.

“I almost want to stop this, you know.”

Hope burns in my chest.

Massimo grins. “I mean, we’re just getting to know one another⁠—”

“I already know you far more than I ever want to, Massimo,” Alistair says coldly.

“I meant as brothers.”

Alistair’s head shakes side to side. He glances at Gabriel, and my eyes blur with tears as he reaches a bloody hand out to lay it on Gabriel’s unmoving chest. His gaze slides back to Massimo.

“We will never be brothers.”

“Now you’re just being rude,” Massimo pouts sarcastically. He starts to chuckle again, turning away as his peals of laughter fill the room.

It’s then that I realize Alistair is looking right at me. His eyes dart hard to the side. Then again. This time, I follow to where he’s looking.

Holy shit.

He’s got one hand behind his back.

…And he’s holding a bullet. Not just any bullet, either. It’s the bullet, the one Massimo put in the revolver when we sat down for this death sentence of a game. Suddenly, I’m replaying the moment a few minutes ago when Alistair pointed the gun at Massimo and fired.

How Massimo and I both flinched and turned away, closing our eyes.

It was barely a second. But enough.

I know what I’m looking at. And more importantly, I know what I have to do.

“Oh! God!” I cry out, doubling over as my face contorts in mock pain.

Massimo lifts a brow. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I…merde,” I choke. “When your men took me, one pinned my arm too hard behind my…ahh…my back! I’ve pinched a nerve or something!”

Massimo rolls his eyes and turns to look at Alistair. “Well?” He spits. “Help her.”

Alistair shrugs. “She’s your wife.”

“I’m not the one fucking her!”

Alistair shrugs again. “I’m over her. You’re the one in charge, Mass⁠—”

“Fuck this.”

I’m half expecting it, but I still cry out when Massimo lurches over to me and backhands me hard across the mouth.

“Shut the fuck up!” he barks viciously, sitting back in his spot. “Christ, we’re trying to play a fucking game here, you cunt.”

I wince from the pain in my face. My eyes snap to Alistair, seeing such hate and darkness burning in his eyes as he looks at Massimo that it honestly scares me.

…But both of his hands are back in front of him, empty. And the gun is cocked and ready.

Massimo sighs, shaking his head. Then he grins as he wags a finger at Alistair. “You know, that was intriguing to see. That was ice fucking cold.” His lips twist. “Seems you are my brother after all, doesn’t it?”

“I already told you, we’ll never be brothers, you fuck.”

Massimo shrugs. “Well, either way, it’s your turn.”

Alistair nods. He glances at me, his eyes burning and sharp before he turns them on Massimo and raises the gun to his own head.

Massimo’s lips pull into a lecherous grin.

“You know, brother,” he smiles cruelly. “When I’m watching you bleed out? I might finally consummate this marriage.”

Alistair’s nostrils flare. His jaw grinds.

Massimo grins wider. “I never did touch her. It felt weird before.” He shrugs. “I suppose I never had an inclination to put my dick where my own brother’s been before. But when you’re dead?” His smile curls. “Well, I think in that case, I could gladly⁠—”


I’m still processing the image of Massimo’s head snapping back in slow motion, a mist of blood spraying out the back of it as he falls to the floor, when Alistair lurches to his feet.

I hear muffled yells from outside the room, and the heavy metal door being unlocked.

Alistair groans, dropping the revolver and scrambling over to Massimo’s body. He yanks the other gun out of Massimo’s jacket. Even as the door begins to open, and as Alistair raises the gun, the color fades from his face.

The gun drops from his hand.

His body slumps to the ground.

I don’t think, I just do. I scramble over, lift the gun in my hands, and aim it at the door as it swings open.

Point the business end at something you want to kill, squeeze the trigger, and try not to sneeze. Think you can manage that?

I spit at Massimo’s body. Yeah, I can manage that.

Fire erupts from the barrel of the gun in my hands. The first man through the door screams and slumps to the ground. The second comes charging through, then suddenly clutches his knee and topples to the ground.


I’m still staring at the two men lying on the ground as Alistair struggles to his feet and gently wraps a hand around the gun I’m holding. I let him take it, my whole body shaking as I watch him turn, grimace, and limp over to them.

“Don’t watch.”

I flinch and look away, jolting when two shots explode through the room.

I scream when arms grab me from behind. Then I’m choking back my tears as I realize it’s him, and I turn to wrap my arms tight around him. I let out a cry of relief as he cups my face and kisses me hard, over and over and over again as I collapse into his arms.

“I love you,” I sob.

“I love you too,” Alistair murmurs, holding me close.


Both of us whirl to where Gabriel is slumped on the ground.

“Am still. Fucking. Dying over here,” he croaks. “In case anyone cares?”

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