Bribing the billionaire’s revenge


  She was pregnant.At least according to the three tests Elsie and Janka made her take.As she sat in Fred’s kitchen while Meredith went over all the options she would have,her big brother was rubbing her shoulders reassuringly.

“You need to start by telling Isaias.”

“He’s away.”

  “I know but call him.”Fred spoke in a tone Liesl knew he used to try to soothe Winnie when she was having a temper tantrum.

“Fred,he was agitated when I told him I had fallen in love with him over the phone.How the hell do you think he’s going to react to find out I’m pregnant over the phone?He’s going to leave me.”She blurted the words out in a panic.“He’s never going to want to be with me.He’s going to think I tricked him or trapped him.”

“Liesl,he loves you.”

“Yes,but I’m the first person he ever said the words to.He’s not going to be as receptive to a kid!”she started to stand up,but Fred pushed her back down in the chair.

“You don’t have to tell him,”Meredith tossed out.“You could just go to the clinic,get it taken care of and nobody will be the wiser.”

“I’ll be the wiser!”she almost shrieked at Meredith.“I can’t.I can’t make such a decision without his input.I’m such a fool.”

“It’s not the end of the world,”Fred patted her shoulders,pressing a kiss to the top of her head.“Winnie was the best accident to ever happen to us.”

“You and Meredith were married for three years before you got pregnant.I’ve been with him three months.Not even three months.”She felt her bottom lip trembling at the way she was feeling.“What if he breaks up with me?”

“Are you more upset about being pregnant or potentially losing Isaias?”

She glared at Meredith for the question,“both are equally disturbing Meredith.”

“So,you don’t want to be pregnant?”

As her sister-in-law posed the question bluntly,she felt a flurry of feeling in her chest and she looked up with tears in her eyes,“I think I really do.”

“You think?”Meredith asked boldly.

She knew Meredith wasn’t trying to be cruel.She was forcing her to say aloud what her sister-in-law knew already.She was already in love with the child she was going to have.“I know I do,”she whispered and then put her hands on her belly.“I’m having a baby.”

“How far along are you?”noveldrama

“What?I don’t know?”

“Which test did you do?You can get the test which tells you how many weeks you are.I mean it’s a rough estimate but based on your HCG levels it tells you.”

“Elsie just brought the tests which had pink crosses on them.”

“Fred,go to the store and get the fancy tests.”Meredith ordered him.

“Why do I have to go?”

“Because your sister needs you to go.”

“She needs me to hug her.You go.”

“No.You stress her out with your yakking about calling Isaias.Get out,”Meredith waved him off.

“No.Buying pregnancy tests is as bad as buying your tampons.I’m not doing it.”

“Actually,”she whispered,“I think I want to go home.”

“You want to go back home?”

“I do.”She sniffed.“I’ll stop at the pharmacy on my way and get the test Meredith said but I want to go home and paint.I need to paint.”

“I’ll drive you home.”Fred helped her up.He tilted her chin,“no matter what happens,we’re here for you.Whether you do this as a couple with Isaias or on your own as a single mom,though I personally think he’ll be all in,we’ve got your back,baby girl.I love you.”

She felt the tears streaming as her brother hugged her tight and she reciprocated his hug.She rested her cheek to his chest.“I love you too.”

He held her hand the entire drive home and he walked her straight to the door of Isaias’house.She clutched the brown bag containing the advanced pregnancy test which Meredith had suggested and she closed the door as Fred walked away.She made her way up to the bathroom and for the fourth time that day,peed on a stick.

Three minutes later she stared at the stick.Nine to ten weeks.It had to have been when they were in New York.Not the gala over a month ago but four weeks before when they’d had their first real date.She shoved the test to the bottom of the trash bin and sat on the edge of the toilet and contemplated her choices.

She could call Isaias but still felt strongly this was something she wanted to tell him in person.She collected herself and made her way to the sunroom.She collected her paints and noted the tarp and box of edible paints.She hoped she could get the opportunity to use them with him.She wiped a wayward tear as she forced the thought of Isaias away.

She stood in front of a blank canvas and began sketching.

Several hours later she stretched and then frowned as she was certain she heard footsteps on the stairs and then the front door closing.She looked at her phone and noted the time was coming on five.Where had the day gone?

“Hello?”she called out,wondering who had closed the door.

She went to the front door and opened it and looked out but didn’t note anyone out there other than Mallory’s team’s vehicle at the bottom of the driveway.He waved up at her and she frowned.If anyone had come or gone of them would have seen.She listened and then took the stairs up to the bedroom.

She looked around and then paused as she noted the suitcase at the end of the bed.Isaias’suitcase.When had he come home?

“Isaias?”she called his name and noted the bathroom door slightly ajar.She pushed it open and called his name again.She noted his toiletry bag on the counter and realized he must have been getting ready to shower.A towel flung onto the bench beside the shower confirmed her thought but then something else caught her eye.

She felt her heart clench.“Isaias?”she walked to the counter and noted the pregnancy test she had tossed into the garbage bin now sitting on the edge of the counter.

She tore through the house looking for him,checking every room.He’d left.She had heard the door closing when she was in the sunroom.He’d seen the pregnancy test and had left.

“No,no.”She raced back to the sunroom and grabbed her cell phone and immediately called him.The call went straight to voice mail.

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