Bound In Secrets : A Death Kings Novel

Morning B&E


I was getting ready to head to the gym when I heard a scream coming directly across the hall from Sawyer's apartment. It was a blood-curdling, gut-wrenching scream.

Her front door was locked, so I kicked it open with no time to grab my lock-picking kit. There was only one bedroom door closed, and that one was locked too, so I kicked it in with my bare foot.

Sawyer was crying while sitting with a dead man in her bed. I reacted on instinct, thinking someone hurt once again her. Here we were, just across the hall, and let it happen. I was terrified I was in the wrong place at the wrong time once more. Just as I was about to kill the man I was holding against the wall; Sawyer's irate voice snapped me out of my trance with a single firm command. How did she do that?

She is stark naked, tattooed, and gorgeous. The woman has become a goddess, with soft womanly curves in all the right places. My dick hardens to a painful point in my mesh shorts.

What keeps me from acting on my instincts to kill the man and worship at this goddess's feet with my body is the fury in her voice as she speaks. A command that I obey.

She kicked me out of her room when I was only trying to do right by her, but her words resonated in my head repeatedly. I caused her nightmares. Her nightmare was about me. Damn it.

I smile, sitting on the couch at the hasty retreat of the man I attacked, wiggling my fingers at him as he exits. This coward doesn't have enough stones to be with my girl.

I hear her shower running, so I move to her kitchen to make us some coffee. Carter said she has become a coffee addict, but so have all of us. We need a cup to function most mornings.

When Sawyer exits her bedroom, she is in ripped jeans and a band tee with socks on her feet. Her mid-back rainbow hair is up in a ponytail that swishes as she moves. She is no longer mad, she just appears exhausted.

I handed her a mug with one sugar and a little cream. She takes a sip and groans. "You made this just the way I like it. How did you know?" Her eyes narrowed at me standing in the kitchen in nothing but shorts.

"Carter," I say succinctly. After a moment, I continued talking. "Sorry about the doors. I'll have them fixed. When I heard you scream... Sawyer... I acted on autopilot. I was afraid that what happened in the past had happened again." She understands what I'm talking about when her eyes widen. She sighs my name. "I get it. You can't just go destroying doors without really knowing what is going on."

Sawyer's eyes lower to the floor before she looks back at me. Heat is now in her eyes as she takes in the state of my undress. I'm only in low-slung mesh shorts that are currently being tented by my very interested dick.

"I heard you scream, Bonnie girl. I reacted." I stalk toward her, but she doesn't back away from me. I set my mug down so I can cup Sawyer's face with both hands. "I'm supposed to protect my girl. I failed once. I will not fail again." I see anger flare in Sawyer's eyes. She puts her hands on my chest and shoves me back hard. I allow it, stepping back to give her some room to breathe.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Girl," she grinds out between clenched teeth. "You abandoned me when I needed you most, Storm! Y'all lied to me," Sawyer snarls at me.

We betrayed her. I get it.

"If you think we left you on purpose, then you are wrong. We had no choice," I reply succinctly. I cross my arms over my bare chest, which draws her eyes back to my body and away from my face. Lust flashes briefly in her golden eyes.

"Explain it to me, Clyde. Why?" She demands of me, but I can't tell her, not without bringing her into our world. I don't know if I want to do that to her. Would she be strong enough to murder someone without remorse eating her alive?

I can't tell her the whole truth, but I can offer some semblance of it. "We had two choices the night we left. Go to prison for thirty years plus or work for someone else. One option left us spending over half our lives behind bars. The second at least offered us a chance at freedom at the cost of temporarily being away from the people we love."

"Why didn't you guys tell me? That happened because of me. You murdered them because of what they did to me," she declares in anger.

"Yeah, and all four would do it all over again if given a chance. None of us regret what we did that night, not at all. Now I just wish I could have tortured them first to make them suffer a fate worse than a quick death," I say this without an ounce of emotion.

I learned I excel at torture that expels all truths from my toys. I see Sawyer visibly shiver.

"What happened to you? I don't see that kind-hearted charismatic boy I knew." Her voice doesn't sound accusing, but curious.

Sawyer has a frown on her gorgeous face. I'm itching to walk to her, to touch her forehead and smooth away those creases. Instead, I stay stalked still with zero emotion showing on the outside. Inside, however, the fire there would burn her. "No, Bonnie girl, I'm not that boy anymore. The question is, do you want to get to know the man before you?" This query piques Sawyer's curiosity to a new height.

She arches a perplexed brow at me. "Are any of you the boys I knew?" I shake my head no.

She walks over to me. "I don't know if I can forgive you four so easily, but it helps to know it wasn't your choice to leave us." I'm holding my breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"I can tell you are keeping secrets, Clyde." She shrugs her shoulders. "Then again, so am I," she says, which surprises me, but I doubt her secrets are as covered in blood as ours.

She continues, ignoring my interestedly raised brow. "Earn my trust. I want to know all your secrets and you to know mine, but you have a lot of work ahead of you. Currently, Carter is my favorite guy. Let's just face it, Carmen holds the top place for my favorite person. If the boy you were is still in you somewhere, you might have a chance."

I didn't know what to say to Sawyer at all, so I just jerked a nod. I'm not that boy. I'm a trained killer.

My heart is in my throat. I've never stopped loving this woman. I've loved her since I was fifteen, maybe even before then.

Sawyer gets close to me. I relax my arms and take a deep inhale of her leather and rose scent.

She places her hands on my chest and pushes, moving me back. I know what she is doing, and I let her. She walks me back out the door of her apartment and into the hallway.

"Fix my doors, Clyde, because I have to go to work. You left me with no way to lock up, so keep guard until my doors are fixed, will you?" Her voice is breathy, and she is inches from my lips.

Just when I think I'm about to kiss her, she turns on her heels, walking back into her apartment. I'm left standing in the doorway to my apartment with a massive hard-on. Sawyer is going to be trouble.

I go to my bathroom to take a cold shower, hoping to tame the fiery lust coursing through my body. I clasp my cock with a groan, thinking of rainbow hair tickling my dick as Sawyer takes it into her moist hot mouth. I imagine feeling her thick strands of hair as I thrust in and out of her mouth, gazing into her golden eyes. My hands moved faster, and I stroke my cock until I come with a groan, shooting out cum, coating my hand. Sawyer. My obsession. My reason for breathing.noveldrama

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