Chapter 53 Books and Stuff
Chapter 53 Books and Stuff
November 10th
It was nearly a week later and Elena was out of the hospital and the pack had returned pretty much to
Haden was still heavily dosed on wolfsbane in the base prison and Lia was still yet to visit him. She
said she wanted him to pay for what he did and allowing her to see him would be giving him a small win
in a sea of losses. Something like that anyway.
Maria and Elena had been planning their secret training camp for she-wolves. They'd sussed out an
empty clearing in the woods and they and Allison were busy preparing to start a programme of secret
classes for young girls they could trust not to feed back to Leo. Of course there weren't many of them
but Maria suspected that where some went, others would follow.
Abi had been to visit me with Blair. I told her about my pup and she told me that her and Blair were
going to wait a few years since her parents didn't know about the whole werewolf thing. Blair was much
more relaxed than Leo about the whole thing, however, I did notice a fresh mark on Abi's neck
presumably made by Blair in the last few days.
It was monday morning and I was lying on our bed at home with my hand on my stomach. I could feel
nothing yet. Not even a bump but the fact that there was a real life pheotus in there was so surreal and
I found myself just lying down think about it a lot.
A knock on the door dragged me back to reality. Leo was in the shower so I went down to answer it.
"Hello, Ella," Antonio said as I opened the door. "Is Leo in?"
He seemed surprised to see me and I could feel the tension between us that stemmed from the night of
the ball was still as strong as ever.
"He's in the shower but he'll be out soon? Do you want me to go and tell him you're here?" I replied.
"No," he said taking a deep breath, "It's you I wanted to talk to."
"Oh..." I replied. "Okay."
"I found out about the baby through Haden's broadcast. Then there was all the shit with Lia and then
the war and I never got to properly congratulate you," he said.
"Thank you, Antonio," I replied with a nod.
"I know you and Leo have had an...interesting start but I'm happy to see that you're working things
through as they should be," he added, his smile disappearing.
I forced a smile.
In other words: he's happy now I've 'fulfilled my role as Leo's Luna'.
Just then Leo came down the stairs.
"Hey, Dad," he said standing next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.
"I was just saying to Ella, congratulations. I realised we never had the chance to really celebrate at the
time," Antonio replied.
Leo smiled and pulled me closer before kissing my head, "Thanks, Dad."
"You could have your heir before the new year, Leo," Antonio said before his eyes shifted to me, "I was
beginning to doubt it would happen this side of the millennium"
"Well you are a man of little faith Dad," Leo replied. "All we needed was a bit of time to sort things out."
"Yes. I have to keep reminding myself that Ella is not the same as your mother," he said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Rosa rarely makes my life difficult. Whereas it seems to be the only thing you've done for Leo since
you got here," Antonio replied.
I opened my mouth to argue back but Leo interrupted me.
"She's done far more than make my life difficult, Antonio. She is bringing me a child and for that, I will
be eternally thankful. Do not disrespect my Luna and Ella, you do not need to retaliate."
His tone was deep and commanding and Antonio and I both nodded.
"I'll need to speak to you at the base later this afternoon, Leonardo," Antonio said. "Congratulations
again to both of you," he added before turning and leaving.
Leo closed the door and sighed, "An improvement on the last time you spoke, I guess."
I thought back to the ball where he called me many unpleasant names as he shouted and came far too
close to me for comfort.
"Yes but he still can't help himself making those little provocative comments," I replied. "He came to
congratulate us. Why couldn't he just leave it at that?"
"Because he doesn't like you," Leo said bluntly. "And you don't exactly help the situation."
I sighed. I couldn't argue with that.
Leo then cooked some eggs and bacon for breakfast before we sat at the table to eat.
"You're spending the day with Mateo. I've gotta sort shit out at the base," Leo said.
"Which reminds me...the war is over now," I began, "And it's been weeks since I made that promise to
your people on your behalf about returning their children to them. Is that the shit you're sorting out at
the base?"
"No," he said. "That is the bottom of my priorities right now. Rebuilding my pack being the top."
"What better way to start than rebuilding the broken families?" I asked quietly. "And restoring your
people's faith in you..."
"I'm not talking about this with you again, Ella," he said.
"You know I'm right. That's why you always shut down the conversation," I replied. "You need to give
those boys back to their parents, just as you promised."
"And I day," he said through gritted teeth.
"I don't see why you can't just do it now," I replied.
"Because it's a complicated process that I don't have time for right now and isn't a matter of urgency,"
he snapped.
"How are hundreds of kids in inhumane conditions suffering maternal deprivation not a fucking crisis to noveldrama
you?" I hissed.
"Calm down," he said.
"Sort it out, Leo. Or I will," I snapped getting up, scraping my chair back and leaving the kitchen.
"You don't have the power for that, sweetheart," he called and I had to desperately fight the temptation
to go back and punch him.
Instead, I just turned around and walked back as calmly as possible.
"Give me the files and I will do it for you," I said, "All I need is the details of the which numbers came
from which invasions and then I can find the wolves still alive from those packs and see if any parents
or family member can take them. I'll locate them and contact them myself. I have nothing better to do
and you can focus on what the fuck is more important."
He looked up at me, "There are no files, Ella."
My heart sunk.
"I didn't start this thinking that my Luna would one day announce to the pack without my permission
that I was ending it," he replied, "There are no files."
Then how will you ever know who to contact to return the children?"
"And therein lies the problem," Leo said. "Now you see how much trouble you caused me? It's not that
easy and I will think about it when everything else is sorted, okay? Now go and get your shoes on. We
leave in five minutes."
I let out a short frustrated sigh.
He was in no rush and I didn't entirely trust he'd ever 'get round to it'. He clearly still didn't care so I
knew what I had to do.
But for now, I just had to bite my tongue, put my shoes on and say nothing more.
Half an hour later, I was in the Loren house with Lia, Mateo, Marco and Carlos. The other siblings were
all out but Allison had come over. We all piled on the sofa watching an episode of keeping up with the
Kardashian's on my request.
Mateo hated it and kept throwing popcorn at the screen whilst the rest of us shouted at him for wasting
precious popcorn.
"Mateo?" Lia said after Mateo ceremonially switched off the TV as the end titles rolled.
"Sì," Mateo replied.
"Can we go and see Haden today?" she said.
"Haden?" Mateo asked and Lia nodded.
"Are you sure?" Carlos said and she nodded again.
"Yes," she replied, "I want to just talk to him. Clear some of the air."
"I don't know, Lia," Mateo said.
"Leo said I can see him as long as its supervised," she said.
"I just don't think it's a good idea yet," Mateo said still unsure.
"It was only a week ago Lia," Carlos said.
"A week ago that he marked you without consent," Mateo added.
"Please," Lia begged. "You guys don't know what it's like to have a mate, no matter how hard I try I
can't hate him."
Mateo nodded, "Fine. I'll come with you."
"I need to go to the base too," I said, "I want to go to the library."
Mateo looked a little confused.
"Reading Mateo," Marco said in a bored tone, "Have you heard of it? Books and stuff."
"Whatever. Come on then, losers. Allison, you coming?"
She nodded and Lia, Mateo, Allison and I took a walk towards the base.
"Ready Lia?" Alison asked as we approached the prison.
She looked incredibly nervous, "Can you and Ella come too?" she asked, her eyes flickering around, "I
know he's sedated and chained and I know Mateo is strong but-"
"Of course," Allison said, "You don't have to give us any reasons. COme on."
"Here to visit Alpha Haden or whatever just Haden as he is now," Mateo said to the man guarding the
door as we entered.
"I presume you have the Alpha's permission Mateo?" The man asked raising an eyebrow.
"Of course," Mateo said.
"Right this way then," the man said opening the door allowing us to enter the prison. "He received his
hourly dosage of wolfsbane just 10 minutes ago so he should be nice and weak for you."
"Good to hear," Allison said as we followed him down some steps before going along a corridor and
then another and then another.
"Here we are, take as long as you need Lia," The man said opening a cell door.
"Thank you, Bruno," Lia said before he exited leaving us in the room.
The room was empty and plain with a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and grey walls and floors.
Haden was sat in the corner slumped against the wall, his wrists and ankles in handcuffs.
He slowly lifted his head and his eyes landed immediately on Lia. She walked forward so that she was
directly in front of him whilst he kept his eyes on hers the whole time. She then crouched down his level
and placed a small hand on his cheek
"I've been trying so hard to hate the man who wanted to kill my brother and take down the pack I grew
up in," Lia said her voice quiet. "But I can't."
"The only way you can avoid the bond is if we had never met," Haden said weakly.
"I know that, which is why I gave up resisting and came up with a plan for us," Lia said her voice soft
and calm. "In a few weeks, the Alpha will release and banish you, but I will come with you. We can go
anywhere in the world Haden. Anywhere we want except here"
"What I don't understand is why you didn't want to come with me to start with," Haden said lifting his
head further. Mateo automatically stepped forward slightly his shoulders tensing.
"What makes you think I want to go with you now?" Lia said stroking his face with her index finger. "I
know what you'll do Haden. I know what you'll make me do."
"Then why? Why don't you just leave me here rotting away forever?" Haden asked lifting his lips to
Lia's cheek, but she moved away. He craved her, but she was teasing him, punishing him maybe.
"Don't give me any ideas," She said finally allowing him to place his lips on her cheeks. He let out a low
moan as they came in contact.
"Urgh gross," Mateo muttered. "Try not to cum, dude."
"I can take it from here Mateo," Lia said. "He's weak."
Allison and I immediately stepped out of the cell whilst Mateo remained completely reluctant.
"I'm not leaving you with him, Lia," Mateo said crossing his arms. Lia stood up and walked over to
"Let me handle this Mateo," She said taking his hands in hers. "I might as well get used to it now."
Mateo hesitated for a moment looking at Haden and then back to Lia.
"I'll be right outside the door," Mateo said eventually before following the rest of us out the door.
"Ella you can probably go to the library now," Mateo said.
"I'll go with you," Allison suggested, "We could grab a coffee on the way?"
I nodded and we left the prison for the bright sunlight of the street.
"I'm glad to see you're no longer being like a 6 year old," Allison said as we walked, "Mateo let us walk
off alone without question. He didn't even say 'meet back here in an hour' as if we're on a field trip'."
I laughed.
"Well Mateo has never stuck to all of Leo's rules but you're right, even Leo is easing off a bit," I said.
"Even still, we probably shouldn't leave the base so there is only one coffee option but trust me
Ansesco makes amazing coffee," Allison said.
A few minutes later we were outside the same cafe the centre of town I had first met her outside of.
Allison pushed open the door and a little ting sounded from the bell above the door.
"Allison!" A grey-haired man said from behind the counter in an Italian accent. "Come stai amore
"Buongiorno Ancesco. Sto bene grazie. Come stai?" Allison said meaning 'Good morning Ancesco. I'm
doing fine thank you how are you?'
"Se la mia bambina preferita sta bene, allora io starò sempre bene," He replied meaning 'Always good
when my favourite little girl is'.
"And this is Ella," Allison said gesturing to me.
"Piacere di conoscerti Ancesco," I said meaning 'nice to meet you Ancesco'.
"The luna already speaks Italian very well," Ancesco said still in his accent. "I'm impressed. Anyway,
what can I do for you two ladies today?"
"Two of your finest traditional coffees please," Allison said giving me a 'you're gonna love it look'.
"Coming right up," Ancesco said. "So where is the Alpha today?"
"Oh he's around somewhere," I said vaguely. Ancesco raised a knowing eyebrow and chuckled.
"Alpha's ay?" Ancesco said. "Don't worry I know your pain, my sister is mated to a man that was an
Alpha at the time. She suddenly couldn't go anywhere unsupervised for protection or something?"
"I think it's ridiculous," I said.
"The power of women is highly underappreciated by many men- especially Alphas. You are strong. You
are independent. You are intelligent. And you are all totally gorgeous," Ancesco said whilst making the
coffee. "You don't need any man to tell you what to do."
"I copy that," Allison said.
"Too right," I said. "If only Leo could understand that," I added as Ancesco said placed the coffee on the
counter and Allison starting rummaging through her coat pocket. "No, no Allison. Don't give me your
money. On the house."
"We couldn't-" Allison began.
"No arguing mio amore," Ancesco said. "You are pregnant right Luna?"
I nodded.
"Then if he trusts you to carry his child then he should trust you to carry yourself," Ancesco said. "Tell
him that and let me know what he says."
"I will," I said smiling as Allison and I took our coffees.
"Thank you Ancesco," Allison said as we headed for the door.
"Any time mio amore!" he called back.
"Remember last time we were here," I said, "The day we both nearly got murdered by Leonardo."
She smiled, "Don't think I'll ever forget," she said, "I got demoted four factions for that, remember?"
"Yes I can't help but feel partly responsible," I replied.
"If it hadn't been for that day, you wouldn't have known to make your announcement at the ball and the
Alpha wouldn't be forced to change things," she said, "It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
"Talking of," I began, "I let Marco believe I want to go the library for the books but I actually just need to
use the printer there."
Allison furrowed her eyebrows.
"Why?" she asked.
"There's no files on those little boys. We won't be able to contact their parents personally but I thought
that any living parents with their sons in that place will know right? All we need to do is make leaflets to
get the word out and ask that they contact us," I explained.
"Oh I see..." she said, "Does the Alpha know?"
"No BUT don't worry. You will not get demoted for affiliating with me this time because the reason he
gave for not doing this is he's too busy," I said, "So he can't have a problem if we take the task of his
"Doesn't mean he won't..." she said taking a sip of her coffee, "But...Whatever. I don't really like my
current faction anyway. The one below might be nicer."
I laughed, "Come on little miss optimist. Let's make some flyers."
We found a computer in the libary and created a nice design. We recieved some looks from pack
members also in there, probably wondering what the fuck their Luna was doing using the communal
computers, but nobody questioned us and within half an hour we'd created five hundred leaftlets.
We instantly began handing them out around the library and then the street and we found members of
each faction and begged that they took a stack home to spread there.
Everybody greeted us with a smile which only grew when they realised what we were shoving into their
We were spreading joy after what had been a terrible war and I absolutely loved it.
And now Leo truly had no reason to put an end to this regime...
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